曹操形象论 摘 要 《三国演义》是中国古代历史演义小说的不朽之作,小说中塑造了众多的具有自身独特魅力的英雄形象,这当中塑造的最成功的人物,就是曹操。曹操是一个历史上有巨大影响力且非常具有争议的人,《三国演义》塑造了一个奸诈狡猾,凶残暴虐但又知人善用,充满智慧恶德人物形象,两种不同的人物形象出现在一个人身上,二者并行不悖,在曹操一个人身上得到了完美的统一,可以说曹操是矛盾的综合体。本文通过对曹操形象的表现,及塑造方法的展现,表现出一个有血有肉,性格丰富的人物形象。 关键词:三国演义;曹操形象;塑造; Abstract "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the four famous Chinese classical books, is China's first long chapter back to the story of historical novels.The Works successfully created thousands of distinctive characters, which is shaping the most complex, the most deep and most difficult to understand, that is, "the ancient and modern heroes in the first odd" Cao Cao.Cao Cao is controversial people who had great influence in history. For a long time evaluation on his image is mixed, so far there is no conclusion.This paper discusses the fiction of Cao Cao 's image."Rape" and "male" this opposing two aspects, in Cao Cao a person who has been a perfect unity, it can be said that Cao Cao is a complex of contradictions.This paper Analyzes of the Artistic Way of Shaping Cao Cao 's Image.Works through the model, the characters themselves "words" and "line" and the characters contrast to shape the image of Cao Cao male. Finally, the author briefly reviews the image of Cao Cao in the novel. Key Words: Romance of the Three Kingdoms;Cao Cao image;artistic technique;briefly reviews 目录 引言 4 一、《三国演义》中曹操形象的塑造 4 (一)曹操性格的矛盾性 5 1狡诈与智谋并存的曹操形象 5 2.不义与仗义同在的曹操形象 5 3.爱才与忌才兼备的曹操形象 6 (二)曹操性格的统一性 7 二、 曹操形象的塑造手段 8 (一)通过模式化塑造曹操奸雄的形象 9 (二)人物自身言、行 9 (三)人物之间的比较 10 三、曹操形象塑造的历史地位 11 (一)曹操形象的时代性 11 (二)曹操形象的典型性 11 四 、结语 12 参考文献 13 |