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摘 要



Anna and Elmar in the same century literature in classic characters from a Gustave Flaubert novel "Madame Bovary", a novel by Lev Tolstoy "Anna Karenina", the two year of the publication of the novel is very close to the fate of the characters are very similar, have been a tragedy, based on this, and Anna the tragic fate of Elmar has made a comparison. Firstly, Anna and Elmar's tragic fate made an analysis, then from the predicament of existence, disillusionment, the awakening of female consciousness in three aspects of the two tragedy in common, then based on the author, text in the two level of the tragic fate of the different of the corresponding comb for example, the level of life time in different environment and different attitudes and different demands of the protagonist of literary expression etc..
Key words: realistic literature; tragic fate; comparative study; Anna; Elmar

目 录

摘要 1
1安娜与艾玛的悲剧命运浅析 1
1.1安娜的悲剧命运 1
1.2艾玛的悲剧命运 2
2安娜与艾玛悲剧命运的相似性探析 3
2.1生存的困境 3
2.2理想的破灭 3
2.3女性意识的觉醒 4
3安娜与艾玛悲剧命运的不同点比较 4
3.1作家层面的不同点比较 4
3.1.1生活时代的不同 5
3.1.2对主人公态度的不同 5
3.1.3创作诉求的不同 6
3.2文本层面的不同点比较 6
3.2.1爱情观念的不同点比较 6
3.2.2深层心理的不同点比较 7
3.2.3文学意义的不同点比较 7
4结语 8
致谢 9
参考文献 10