论《水浒传》吴用的秘书之道 摘要 当今社会具有秘书才能的人少之又少,而吴用是历史上极其成功的秘书之一。身为宋江的秘书,从双用连环计到使时迁盗甲,从赚金铃吊挂到智取大名府,他身体力行,尽心辅佐宋江,将秘书才能展现得淋漓尽致,对当今秘书工作有着重要的借鉴意义。 In today's society there are few secretaries, and Wu Yong is one of the most successful secretaries in history. As the Secretary of Song Jiang, from the dual use of the chain to make the time to move stolen A, from the gold bell hanging to outsmart the mansion, he personally, with all his heart to assist Song Jiang, will be the secretary to show incisively and vividly, on the current secretarial work has an important reference significance. 关键词:吴用;宋江;晁盖;秘书工作 |