快递财物毁损灭失法律责任探究 摘 要 随着社会的发展,网上购物现象普遍,出台了一些规范快递的法律法规。通过这些法律法规来规定快递财物毁损灭失的赔偿标准及解决现实快递财物的毁损灭失责任承担的问题,而在现实中还是存在可操作性较弱和立法不全面的情况。一旦快递财物毁损灭失了,收件人的损失就难以得到合理的赔偿。本论文中共分为四个部分:第一部分,讲述快递财物毁损灭失法律责任在国内外的沿革发展,明晰快递财物毁损灭失法律责任的立法情况;第二部分,讲述快递财物毁损灭失责任承担的各个主体,认定责任主体及各主体分别承担什么责任;第三部分,是对违约责任与侵权责任存在争议进行讲述,与上述主体承担责任相互补充与契合;最后一部分,讲述快递财物毁损灭失法律责任在我国的制度现状及完善的建议,使快递财物毁损灭失法律责任更具体、更明确。 关键词:快递财物;毁损灭失;赔偿责任 Abstract With the development of society, the phenomenon of online shopping is common,and some laws and regulations regulating express delivery have been issued. Through these laws and regulations to stipulate the standard of compensation for damage and lossof express delivery property and to solve the problem of liability for damage and loss of real express delivery property, there are still weak maneuverability and incomplete legislation in reality. Once the express property is destroyed and lost,it is difficult to get reasonable compensation for the loss of the addressee. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part describes the evolution of legal liability for the destruction and loss of express delivery property at home and abroad, and clarifies the legislation of legal liability for the destruction and loss of express delivery property;the second part describes the main body of the responsibility for the destruction and loss of express delivery property, and determines the responsibility of the main body and the main body respectively;the third part describes the dispute between the liability for breach of contract and the liability for tort, which complements and coincides with the above-mentioned subject's liability; In the last part, the present situation and perfect suggestion of legal liability in our country are described, which makes the legal liability more specific and clear.
Keywords:Delivery of goods;Damaged and destroyed; liability to pay compensation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 前 言 1 一、快递财物毁损灭失法律责任的沿革发展 2 (一)快递财物毁损灭失法律责任在中国的沿革发展 2 (二)快递财物毁损灭失法律责任在域外的沿革发展 3 二、快递财物毁损灭失法律责任制度责任主体的认定 5 (一)寄件人 5 (二)平台 6 (三)快递公司或者快递员 7 (四)收件人 8 三、快递财物毁损灭失的责任性质的争议 8 (一)违约责任说 9 (二)侵权责任说 9 (三)违约责任与侵权责任竞合说 10 四、快递财物毁损灭失法律责任在我国制度现状及完善建议 10 (一)快递财物毁损灭失法律责任在我国的制度现状 10 (二)快递财物毁损灭失法律责任制度的完善建议 13 结 论 17 引 文 18 参考文献 18 |