“四季”—南昌中海阳光玫瑰园顶复整体空间设计 摘 要 随着现代化家装设计风格的不断深化, 现代欧式风格早就抛弃了过去过于复杂的装饰,简化了欧式装饰中的设计线条, 在保留欧式传统历史痕迹与文化底蕴的同时,将可能的将装饰简单化, 在大气豪华之余,置入了浪漫与惬意的家居风格。 本次研究将以一栋顶层复式2层花园洋房为设计样本, 分析现代化简约欧式设计的设计要点与重点,阐述花园洋房设计的具体流程, 结合具体3D成品案例,从设计流程, 设计方案、空间设计、家具选择、家装材质选用、灯光选用等多个角度, 对简欧风格在现代花园洋房中的适用进行探讨。 关键词: 自由空间; 花园洋房; 欧式; Abstract With the deepening of the modern home decoration design style, the modern European style has long abandoned the over-complicated decoration in the past and simplified the design lines in the European decoration. While retaining the historical traces and cultural details of the European tradition, will be possible to simplify the decoration, luxury in the atmosphere, the introduction of a romantic and comfortable home style. This research will take a top-floor compound 2-story Garden House as the design sample, analyzes the modern and simple European style design main point and the key point, elaborates the garden house design concrete flow, unifies the concrete 3d finished product case, from the design flow, this paper discusses the application of jean-ou style in Modern Garden House from many angles, such as design scheme, space design, furniture selection, material selection and lighting selection. Key words:Interior Space; Garden House; European style |