S市社区垃圾分类治理中政府责任履行存在的问题与对策 摘要 随着我国城市居民生活质量提高和城市化建设的加快,由于某些地区城市日常生活垃圾清运量大大超过了垃圾分类处置设施的处置能力,垃圾分类的重要性也越来越凸显。在城市社区垃圾分类治理中政府责任履行存在很多问题,如实施过程、税费、监督力度等,针对这些问题,就需要政府发挥作用,如完善法律体系和税费制度、实现严格的奖惩机制、加大更方面的投入等,积极回应民众的要求并采取措施。本文基于服务型政府理论和责任政府理论,通过分析S市城市社区生活垃圾分类治理中的政府责任履行的现状,指出政府在城市社区生活垃圾分类治理中存在责任履行上的五个问题,再针对这五个问题提出了相应的五个对策。通过这篇论文的写作,可以给政府在城市社区生活垃圾分类治理中存在的责任履行上的问题给出相应的解决之道。 关键词:城市社区垃圾分类;政府责任履行;对策 Abstract With the improvement of the quality of life of urban residents and the accelerationof urbanization in China, the importance of garbage classification is becoming more and more prominent because the amount of daily domestic garbage removal in some areasgreatly exceeds the disposal capacity of garbage classification and disposal facilities. There are many problems in the implementation of government responsibility in the classified treatment of urban community garbage,such as the implementation process, taxes and fees, supervision and so on. In view of these problems, the government needs to play a role,such as perfecting the legal system and tax and fee system,realizing strict reward and punishment mechanism, increasing more investment, etc. Based on the theory of service-oriented government and the theory of responsible government, this paper analyzes the present situation of government responsibility in the classified treatment of municipal solid waste in S city. This paper points out that there are five problemsin the classified treatment of municipal solid waste. Through the writing of this paper,the corresponding solutions can be given to the problems existing in the classification and treatment of municipal solid waste in urban communities.
Key words: Classification of Municipal Community Garbage;Implementation of Government Responsibility;Countermeasures 目录 摘要 h I Abstract II 一、相关概念与理论阐释 1 (一)城市社区垃圾分类的内涵 1 (二) 城市社区垃圾分类的政策依据 1 (三)服务型政府理论与政府责任理论 2 二、S市社区垃圾分类治理中政府责任履行的现状 3 (一)政府职能定位不准 3 (二)政府在社区实施垃圾分类中的作用 4 (三)政府宣传力度大但监督机制不健全 4 三、S市社区垃圾分类治理中政府责任履行存在的问题 5 (一)缺乏政策扶持和法律规范 5 (二)实施过程存在障碍 5 (三)生活垃圾处理税费不够健全 6 (四)政府监督力度不够 6 (五)无法有效引导居民行为 7 四、完善城市社区垃圾分类治理政府责任履行的对策 7 (一)完善垃圾分类管理体系 7 (二)完善税费制度 7 (三)健全垃圾分类清运奖惩机制 7 (四)促进宣传主体、方式、内容的多样化 8 (五)加大对社区垃圾分类治理过程的资金和设施投入 8 结语 10 参考文献 11 致谢 12 |