派出所纠纷调解工作的思考——以北门派出所为例 目录 序言 1 一、 派出所纠纷调解工作概念厘定 1 (一)派出所调解概念厘定 1 (二)派出所调解适用环境 1 二、重庆市北门派出所调解纠纷概况 2 (一)重庆市北门派出所基本情况 2 (二)重庆市北门派出所调解纠纷概况 3 三、 北门派出所调解纠纷工作中面临的困境 7 (一)矛盾纠纷联调联处机制主体不够多元 7 (二)派出所调解力量有限工全面服务难 7 (三)派出所联调联处机制与诉讼制度之间衔接不够 8 四、 完善派出所调解纠纷机制的建议 8 (一)以派出所为中心构建多元矛盾纠纷处理机制 8 (二)多措并举充实基层派出所调解力量 9 (三)优化联调联处机制与诉讼制度的衔接 10 参考文献 11 派出所纠纷调解工作的思考——以北门派出所为例 摘要:当前,我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,城市化进程正在不断推进, 城乡二元结构正在发生深刻变化,公众的利益需求呈现出多元化、多样化的特点, 导致不同利益主体的需求产生大量冲突,进而引发矛盾纠纷。 公安派出所作为和群众接触最多、联系最密切的一线部门, 日常工作中调解处置了大量的纠纷。 本文希望通过对北门派出所的调解经验进行归纳总结,对个案进行分析, 提出对于完善派出所调解机制的建议,为其他派出所调解纠纷工作的开展提供借鉴, 更好的发挥派出所在维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐中的作用。 关键词:纠纷调解; 派出所; 经验方法 Research on Dispute Mediation in Police Station Take the Beimen Police Station as an example Abstract:At present, my country is in a critical period of social transformation, the process of urbanization is constantly advancing, and the dual structure of urban and rural areas is undergoing profound changes. The public's interest needs are diversified and diversified, leading to a large number of conflicts between the needs of different stakeholders. , Which in turn leads to conflicts and disputes. As the front-line department that has the most contact with the masses and the closest connection, the police station mediates and handles a large number of disputes in its daily work. This article hopes to summarize and summarize the mediation experience of Beimen Police Station, analyze cases, and put forward suggestions for improving the mediation mechanism of police stations, so as to provide reference for other police stations to mediate disputes, and to better use the police station to maintain social stability and promote The role of social harmony. Keywords:Dispute mediation; police station; experience method |