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研究生公共管理案例大赛 “山有林地创收益,纠纷四起毁乡情”——从莫村林地纠纷看山林权属问题

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关键词: 林地纠纷;山林权属;莫村


At the Central conference on rural work,president Xi Jinping stressed that resolving the ' Three Rural ' issues is the top priority of the Party 's work. In recent years, Guangxi has driven rural economic growth by rich forestry resources, and mountain farmers rely on ' fast-growing ' eucalyptus to obtain huge benefits. With the rapid development of ' eucalyptus economy ',as well as the country 's development of wind power generation, expanding the collection area of forest land and other ' financial ' projects have attracted the attention of forest land owners. In order to ' hold ' these hot spots,forest land owners began to look for their own forest land for many years. However, due to historical reasons, human factors,and poor management of property rights archives by relevant departments, many forest land ownership disputes have occurred in Guangxi. Only in the first half of 2020,there were 4604 cases of ' three major disputes ' in the whole region, and forest land ownership disputes accounted for a large proportion. Eight and nine villagers in Mo Village, Huanglian Town, Qintang District, Guigang City,Guangxi Province have been plagued by disputes over forest land ownership for a long time. The two groups have fought against forest land disputes,and their relatives of the same clan have become enemies. This case adopts the methods of field investigation and group interview to systematically investigate the causes and consequences of the event, study and think about the resolution mechanism of farmers ' forest land ownership disputes in areas with weak legal consciousness,This paper analyzes the difficulties and solutions of grassroots dispute mediation from the perspective of stakeholders, and provides scientific suggestions for grassroots dispute governance in Guangxi by using relevant professional knowledge of public management.

Keywords: forest land disputes; mountain forest ownership; Mo Village


摘要 2

引言 6

一、速生桉摇身一变“发财树” 7

二、风起云涌的“主权运动” 8

(一)言语煽动,矛盾一触即发 8

(二)唇枪舌战,上升肢体冲突 10

三、 同村同族拳脚相向,又为哪般?11

(一)积重难返,纠纷由来已久 11

(二)物换星移,多因加重难题 12

四、 村委协助,纠纷双方试图和解 13

(一)心平气和,讲述各自要求 13

(二)情绪崩盘,和解不了了之 15

五、 向镇司法所寻求帮助 16

(一)无可奈何,村委不再出面 16

(二)废然而返,寻司法所无果 17

六、 继续寻求帮助,上访镇林业站 19

(一)大失所望,林业敷衍了事 19

(二)心灰意冷,局面僵持不下 19

(三)孰是孰非,有理讲不清 20

结语 21