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摘 要:在当前我国全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的新时期,城市社区建设与管理作为城市现代化管理的重要基础,面临着新的形势和新的任务,也面临着更高的要求和挑战。近年来,平顶山市社会经济发展较快,但在社区建设存在着一些问题和不足,亟待进一步深入认识和改进。研究其社区建设的问题和解决对策,对平顶山市及其他类似城市的社区建设与发展具有一定的现实意义。本文在阐述城市社区建设含义及重要意义的基础上,具体以平顶山市为例,结合当前平顶山市城市社区建设现状,进一步深刻分析了平顶山市城市社区建设中存在的主要问题,并对其原因进行了剖析,最后根据这些存在的问题针对性地提出了几点解决对策和建议,以期对平顶山市及其他城市社区建设的发展提供参考。
Abstract: In the current China's comprehensive construction of a well-off society and accelerating socialist modernization in the new period, the city community construction and management as an important basis for city management modernization, facing the new situation and new tasks, is also faced with higher requirements and challenges. In recent years, the rapid development of social economy in Pingdingshan, but there are some problems and deficiencies in the community building, it is urgent to further understanding and improvement. The study on the problems and countermeasures of community construction is of practical significance to the construction and development of community in Pingdingshan and other similar cities. Based on the description of the significance and meaning of city community construction, specifically in Pingdingshan city as an example, combined with the current Pingdingshan city community construction situation, further analyzes the main problems of city community construction in Pingdingshan City, and analyze the reasons, finally according to these problems put forward some countermeasures and suggestions, in order to provide reference for the development of Pingdingshan city and other city community construction.
Key words: urban community; community construction; problem; reason; countermeasure