电子商务环境下冷链物流的发展研究 内 容 摘 要 现如今,中国经济已经实现量质齐升,随着国民的消费水平不断提高,对生活质量的不断追求,消费观也发生了质的转变,价钱与数量已经不是他们发生购买行为的首要指标,现在的消费者更加关注食品的安全质量是否达标,尤其是对于蔬果、生肉类、海鲜水产品、奶制品等生鲜食品的质量是当代消费群体所关注的重中之重。但是,由于生鲜食品具有保鲜时间短、容易腐败的特点,如果要确保生鲜产品从生产地到消费者手上一直保持新鲜,就需要一套成熟完善的冷链物流体系介入才能实现。随着电子商务的不断发展,生鲜产品的需求量迅速扩大,从而促进冷链物流的发展。 首先从电子商务以及冷链物流的相关概念开始切入,通过文献分析、实地调查分析我国冷链物流的发展现状以及存在的问题。再以国内企业顺丰为例探讨生鲜电商冷链物流运营模式,着重分析顺丰优选的生鲜电商冷链物流的运营模式和发展现状,以此来反映出国内各类生鲜电商冷链物流的发展趋势,最后针对国内冷链物流产业深度融合、冷链技术、产业标准化建设、仓储管理、一体化冷链模式、合理利用第三方物流平台六个方面,进而提出相关电商冷链物流的优化策略,促进国内生鲜电商冷链物流的快速而健康地发展。 关键词:电子商务;冷链;物流;生鲜产品 Research On The Development Of Cold Chain Logistics Under E-commerce Environment Abstract Nowadays, China's economy has changed from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development. With the continuous improvement of the national consumption level, the pursuit of the quality of life continues. Price and quantity are no longer the primary indicators of their purchasing behavior.Nowadays, consumers pay more attention to whether the safety and quality of food meet the standards,especially the quality of fresh agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits, raw meat, seafood and aquatic products. However, as fresh agricultural products have the characteristics of short preservation time and easy to corruption,if we want to ensure that fresh products from the place of production to the hands of consumers are always fresh, we need a mature and perfect cold chain logistics system to achieve. First of all, starting from the related concepts of e-commerce and cold chain logistics, this paper analyzes the development status and existing problems of China's cold chain logistics through literature analysis and field investigation. Then, taking domestic enterprise Shunfeng as an example,this paper discusses the fresh e-commerce cold chain logistics operation mode,focuses on the analysis of the operation mode and development status of the fresh e-commerce cold chain logistics selected by Shunfeng, so as to reflect the development trend of domestic fresh e-commerce cold chain logistics. Finally, it focuses on the deep integration of domestic cold chain logistics industry,cold chain technology, industrial standardization construction, warehousing management,and integrated cold chain logistics In order to promote the rapid and healthy development of domestic fresh e-commerce cold chain logistics,this paper puts forward the optimization strategy of related e-commerce cold chain logistics from six aspects, namely, the cold chain mode and the rational use of the third party logistics platform. Key words: electronic commerce; cold chain; physical distribution; fresh product 目 录 I 内 容 摘 要 II Abstract 1 一、绪 论 1 (一)选题的背景和意义 1 (二)研究内容和方法 2 二、理论基础和文献综述 2 (一)理论基础 3 (二)文献综述 3 三、电子商务环境下冷链物流的发展分析 4 (一)发展电商冷链物流的意义 4 (二)我国冷链物流发展现状分析 5 (三)我国冷链物流发展问题成因分析 7 四、以顺丰为例深入探究生鲜电商冷链物流运营模式 7 (一)国内生鲜电商行业的主要运营模式 7 (二)顺丰优选冷链物流运营的现状以及存在的问题 8 (三)根据顺丰优选存在的问题提出建议措施 10 五、电子商务环境下冷链物流发展优化策略 10 (一)积极发展冷链物流技术 10 (二)加强产业标准化建设 10 (三)提高仓储管理水平 10 (四)组建冷链物流人才队伍 11 (五)利用互联网技术为冷链物流发展增添动力 11 六、结 语 12 参考文献 13 |