浅析中小企业物流外包的风险与对策 摘 要 20世纪70年代和80年代早期,外包作为对多元化的一种应对策略发展起来,其中物流外包的发展在近些年来可以说是如日中天。对于企业的核心竞争力来说,专注于做好核心业务,充分发挥企业的专业技能非常重要。因此,企业需要浪费一些物资、财力、能源等业务,如物流、外包,以专业的第三方物流企业来完成。物流外包后,企业可以根据自身的实际情况来合理调整物流外包的数量和战略,实现有限资源的合理调配,从而科学合理地开发企业的核心业务。随着经济全球化的发展,企业将非核心业务外包出去逐渐发展为一种常态,其中不少企业选择将物流业务外包给专业的物流公司经营,现而今物流外包发展迅速,为企业带来便利的同时,也带来了一定的风险,本文对物流的外包以及外包过程中可能存在的风险进行分析,并给出风险防范措施的相关建议。 关键词:中小企业;物流外包;风险防范 Theriskandcountermeasureoflogisticsoutsourcingofsmallandmedium-sizedenterprises ABSTRACT In the 1970s and early 1980s, outsourcing developed as a response to diversification,and the development of logistics outsourcing in recent years can be said to be in its heyday. For the core competitiveness of the enterprise,it is very important to focus on the core business and give full play to the professional skills of the enterprise. Therefore, enterprises need to waste some materials, financial resources,energy and other business, such as logistics, outsourcing, professional third-party logistics enterprises to complete. After logistics outsourcing, enterprises can reasonably adjust the quantity and strategy of logistics outsourcing according to their actual situation,realize the reasonable allocation of limited resources, so as to scientifically and rationally develop the core business of enterprises. With the development of economic globalization,the enterprise outsourcing non-core business gradually developed into a kind of norm,many enterprises choose to logisticsoutsourcing to professional logistics company, now the rapid development of the logistics outsourcing, bring convenience for the enterprise at the same time, also poses a certain risk, in this paper, in the process of logistics outsourcing and the outsourcing of risk analysis, and gives the Suggestions of risk prevention measures. Keywords:Small and medium-sized enterprises; Logistics outsourcing; Risk prevention 目 录 1 摘 要 1 ABSTRACT 1 一、绪论 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究意义 1 (三)研究内容 1 二、物流外包的概念与动因 1 (一)理论基础与概念界定 1 1.物流外包的概述 2 2.物流外包的优势 2 3.物流外包的劣势 3 (二)中小企业物流外包的动因 3 1.中小企业物流外包的原因 3 2.中小企业实施物流外包的好处 5 三、中小企业物流外包存在的风险 5 (一)信息风险 5 (二)外包管理风险 6 (三)外包合作风险 6 四、中小企业物流外包风险防范的对策建议 6 (一)信息风险防范 7 (二)谨慎选择外包供应商 7 (三)建立共享与风险分担机制 8 五、总结 9 参考文献 10 致 谢 |