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彝族传统体育文化与全民健身互动发展研究— 以麒麟区黄家庄社区雨钵村为例

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彝族传统体育文化与全民健身互动发展研究— 以麒麟区黄家庄社区雨钵村为例



关键词:彝族传统体育文化 全民健身 互动发展

Study on the Interactive Development of Yi Traditional Sports Culture and National Fitness Taking Yubo Village, Huangjiazhuang Community, Lin District as an Example


this paper takes the villagers of Yubo Village in Huangjiazhuang Community, Qilin District, Qujing City as the main object of investigation and interview. By using the methods of literature, field investigation and logical analysis, this paper probes into the role of ethnic traditional sports culture in the survival, development and life of ethnic people, and puts forward some measures for the interactive development of the two under the background of national fitness. Take Yubo Village as an example to show the practical value of Yi traditional sports culture-strengthening national fitness, providing sports people for ethnic minorities, carrying forward and inheriting ethnic sports culture, and promoting the harmonious development of ethnic minority areas and villages.

Key words: the interactive development of Yi people's traditional sports culture and national fitness.


1前言: - 1 -

1.1选题依据 - 1 -

1.2研究背景 - 2 -

1.3研究目的 - 2 -

1.4研究意义 - 2 -

1.5研究方法 - 2 -

1.5.1文献资料法 - 2 -

1.5.2实地调查法 - 3 -

1.6国内外研究现状 - 3 -

1.6.1关于少数民族传统体育文化与全民健身互动发展的研究 - 3 -

1.6.2关于彝族传统体育文化与全民健身互动发展的研究 - 4 -

2相关理论概述 - 4 -

2.1彝族传统体育文化 - 4 -

2.1.1产生与发展 - 4 -

2.1.2包含内容 - 4 -

2.1.3内涵价值 - 4 -

2.2全民健身 - 5 -

3雨钵村彝族传统体育文化与全民健身互动发展现状 - 5 -

3.1体育活动参与的情况 - 5 -

3.2居民观念认知有限 - 6 -

3.3居民体育锻炼场地有限 - 6 -

4分析互动发展中存在的问题 - 7 -

4.1彝族传统体育文化发展的不适应性 - 7 -

4.2人民群众的思想观念受冲击 - 7 -

4.3缺少文化自治管理机构 - 7 -

4.4缺少政府扶持 - 8 -

5应对互动发展问题的建议或对策 - 8 -

5.1雨钵村居民主动弘扬与传承 - 9 -

5.2雨钵村居委会自治管理 - 9 -

5.2.1建立“彝族传统体育文化自治组织” - 9 -

5.2.2专业人行专业事 - 9 -

5.2.3响应国家政策,广泛宣传 - 10 -

5.3学校教育对彝族传统体育文化传播行之有效 - 10 -

5.4社会力量保护与宣传 - 10 -

5.5政府加大扶持力度 - 10 -

6结语 - 11 -

参考文献 - 12 -
