新零售背景下国货彩妆品牌的整合营销 ——以完美日记为例 摘要 随着“她经济”的崛起,我国彩妆的需求量持续走高,市场规模不断扩大。但我国的彩妆市场一直由外资主导,国货品牌数量少且质量欠佳。完美日记的出现打破了国内彩妆市场的格局,三年之内超越雅诗兰黛、MAC等一众国际品牌拿下天猫双十一彩妆类 Top1,并成功引领一批国货彩妆走进大众视野,开启国货彩妆新时代。2019年完美日记将新零售布局作为公司重要战略,同时在营销上开也拓了更多玩法,加速品牌成长。本文创新搭建 AISAS+E 模型从消费者视角出发结合新零售背景对完美日记的整合营销策略进行研究,从注意、兴趣、搜索、行动、分享、体验六个角度分析完美日记的流量布局逻辑、产品联名创新、搜索场景和权重的优化、线上线下购买渠道、UGC内容创作引导和线下门店体验升级六种内容,最后总结完美日记在整合营销策略中的优势和不足,以此带出对彩妆行业在新零售业态下整合营销策略的启示。 关键词:整合营销;新零售;AISAS模型;国货彩妆;完美日记 INTEGRATED MARKETING OF CHINESE COSMETICS BRANDS UNDER THE BACKGROUND OF NEW RETAIL ——TAKE THE PERFECT DIARY AS AN EXAMPLE ABSTRACT With the rise of "her economy",the demand for cosmetics in China continues rises, and the market scale continues to expand. However, China's cosmetics market has been dominated by foreign companies, Chinese domestic brands is less and the quality is poor. The appearance of Perfect Diary has broken the situation of Chinese cosmetics market.Within three years, it has surpassed many international brands such as Estee Lauder and MAC,won the top 1 of Tmall “11·11 cosmetics category”, opening a new era of Chinese cosmetics. In 2019, Perfect Diary takes the new retail layout as an important strategy of the company.It also develops more ways to play in marketing to accelerates the brand growth.This paper innovatively builds AISAS + E model which studies the Integrated Marketing strategy of Perfect Diary from the perspective of consumersin new retail background, and analyzes the flow layout logic, product co-branding innovation, search scene and weight optimization,online and offline purchasing channels, UGC content creation guidance and offline store experience upgrading of Perfect Diary fromsix perspectives of attention, interest, search, action, sharing and experience Finally,it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of Perfect Diary in the integrated marketing strategy, so as to bring out the Enlightenment of the integrated marketing strategy for the cosmetics industry in the new retail format. Key words: Integrated Marketing ; New Retail ;AISAS model ; National cosmetics; Perfect Diary 目 录 一、 绪论 1 (一) 研究背景与目的 1 (二) 研究内容与意义 2 (三) 研究方法 3 二、文献综述 3 (一)新零售 3 1.国外研究 3 2.国内研究 4 (二)整合营销 5 1.国外研究 5 2.国内研究 5 (二)综述总结 6 三、AISAS+E分析模型 6 (一)AISAS模型 6 (二) E - 体验营销 7 (三)AISAS+E模型 7 四、AISAS+E模型下的完美日记整合营销 7 (一)注意 7 1.抢先抓紧平台流量红利,增加曝光 7 2.调整公域流量布局,扬长避短 10 (二)兴趣 11 1.优质内容打造内容营销 11 2.多品类品牌IP强强联名 13 (三)搜索 14 1.搜索渠道广、内容正面 14 (四)行动 15 1.搭建社群运营加强私域流量转化 15 2.线上线下融合优化新零售购物 17 (五)分享 18 (六)体验 19 1.传统体验营销视角 19 2.新零售体验营销视角 20 六、结语 22 参考文献 24 致 谢 26 |