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摘 要:微博作为全媒体时代新兴的社交手段,得益于其交流的便捷性以及信息传递的时效性备受欢迎。在微博受到广大用户喜爱的同时,微博营销也逐渐流行开来。微博营销的出现,让许多依托互联网的企业有了全新的平台,这种营销方式带来了更多经济效益,同时还进一步推广了企业品牌、扩大企业影响力。在这个如火如荼的行业里,越来越多的企业开始创造机会进行微博营销,但是从目前网络营销的整体走向来看,微博营销仍然存在很多矛盾和问题,时刻影响着微博营销的质量和效率,处理不当则会给企业带来负面效应。所以,如何利用好微博营销是未来需要研究和讨论的一大热门话题。本文正是以此为契机,结合当前流行的微博营销的特点,研究讨论如何通过微博营销的方式为企业带来经济效益。


Small Microblog, Big Marketing

—— Brand Communication Based on Microblog Marketing

Hu Jie, School of Economics and Management

Abstract: As an emerging social media tool in the omni media era,microblog is popular because of its convenience of communication and timeliness of information transmission. While microblog is loved by the majority of users, microblog marketing is also gradually popular.The emergence of microblog marketing has providedmany Internet-based enterprises with a new platform. This marketing method has brought more economic benefits,and further promoted the enterprise brand and expanded the influence of the enterprise. In this industry in full swing,more and more enterprises began to create opportunities for microblog marketing. However, from the perspective of the current overall trend of network marketing,there are still many contradictions and problems in microblog marketing,which always affect the quality and efficiency of microblog marketing, and improper handling will bring negative effects to enterprises. Therefore, how to make good use of microblog marketing is a hot topic that needs to be studied and discussed in the future. This paper is taking this as an opportunity,combined with the characteristics of the current popular microblog marketing, to discuss how to bring economic benefits for enterprises through microblog marketing.

Key words: Microblog marketing; current situation; strategy; development tendency