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摘 要

近年来,伴随着金融市场和资本市场的快速发展,我国实体经济增长速度却缓慢下降,国民经济“脱实向虚”趋势日益明显。本文以过度自信理论、董事会管理等为理论基础,并以 2011-2019 年我国 A股上市公司为样本,剔除了金融类和房地产类企业,对管理层过度自信与实体企业金融化的关系以及独立董事这一作用机制进行了检验,用企业高管中前三名薪酬合与高管薪酬总额的比值来衡量过度自信的程度,比值越高,自信程度越高,从微观角度进行分析。





In recent years, with the rapid development of the financial market and capital market, the growth rate of China's real economy has declined slowly,and the trend of "moving from real economy to virtual economy" has become increasingly obvious. Based on overconfidence theory, the theoretical basis,and in 2011-2019 a-share listed companies in our country as samples, to eliminate the financial and real estate companies, on the relationship between the management overconfidence and corporate entities financialization of the mechanisms of the independent director and the inspection, with executives of the top three of the total amount of compensation and executive compensation ratio to measure the degree of overconfidence, the higher the ratio, the higher the degree of confidence.

The results show that management overconfidence has a significant positive effect on the financialization of real enterprises. The financial investment level of the enterprises where the executives with higher confidence level is significantly higher than thatof the enterprises where the executives with lower confidence level. Independent directors play a mediating role in the influence of overconfidence on financialization of real enterprises, which proves the existence of the mechanism of independentdirectors, that is, enterprises promote the degree of overconfidence of executives by reducing the proportion of independent directors to promote the financialization of enterprises. The overconfidence of executives in manufacturing has a greater impact on financialization than in other industries. According to the above research conclusions,this paper puts forward relevant suggestionsfrom the government level,the enterprise level and the individual level respectively, which will play a certain role in promoting the government's effective supervision and reasonable guidance of enterprises, enterprises' own sustainable development and internal governance.

Keywords: financialization, overconfidence, total compensation, independent director


TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.1.3经典案例 2

1.2研究思路及方法 3

1.2.1研究思路 3

1.2.2研究方法 4

1.3创新点 4

1.4研究框架 4

第2章文献回顾与述评 5

2.1 企业金融化 5

2.2 管理层过度自信 6

2.3董事会与独立董事 7

2.4文献述评 8

第3章 理论基础 9

3.1 过度自信理论 9

3.1.1过度自信的定义 9

3.2董事会理论分析 11

3.2.1我国董事会的发展 11

3.2.2董事会特征理论分析 11

3.3理论分析与假设提出 12

第4章 研究设计 13

4.1 样本说明和数据来源 13

4.2 变量界定 13

4.2.1 被解释变量 14

4.2.2 解释变量 15

4.2.3 控制变量 15

4.3 研究方法 16

4.4模型的建立 17

第5章 实证结果及分析 18

5.1 样本描述性统计及分析 18

5.2主要变量的相关系数矩阵 20

5.3实证结果及分析 21

5.3.1多元回归分析 21

5.3.2中介效应检验——独立董事 22

5.3.3 制造业子样本检验 24

5.3.4稳健性检验:滞后变量与超前变量 26

5.3.5内生性检验 27

第6章 结论与建议 30

6.1 实证结论与 30

6.2 政策与建议 31