无锡非物质文化遗产传承与发展 摘要:无锡是中国的大型传统旅游业大省,始终将发展自己的品牌形象作为重要的发展目标。然而,由于无锡当地环境的匮之和人才聚集的缺少等因素,导致旅游人才发展的进步性与精品店和旅游品牌战略发展的快速发展不匹配,因此必须研究强化旅游区非物质文化遗产的管理问题。本文就无锡非物质文化遗产的现状与问题,针对无锡旅游业,分析了非物质文化遗产开发与管理的瓶颈,提出了更科学的旅游人力资源开发与管理保障措施。 关键词:旅游人才;非物质文化遗产;旅游业 On the current situation and development of Wuxi intangible cultural heritage industry Abstract: Wuxi is a large traditional tourism province in China. It always takes developing its own brand image as an important development goal. However, due to the lack of local environment and talent accumulation, the progress of tourism talent development does not match with the rapid development of boutique and tourism brand strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to study and strengthen the management of intangible cultural heritage in tourism areas. Based on the current situation and problems of Wuxi intangible cultural heritage, aiming at Wuxi tourism, this paper analyzes the bottleneck of intangible cultural heritage development and management, and puts forward more scientific tourism human resources development and management guarantee measures. Key words: scenic area; Tourism talents; Intangible cultural heritage |