摘 要
内容:景德镇,别名 “瓷文化中心”,陶瓷是景德镇的立市之本瓷匠心制作的各种瓷器,在这里诞生并走向全世界,江西景德镇因为瓷器在古老的中国立足于历史长河中,也发展在当前的社会中,可以说,瓷器的发展是融入每个中国人的血液中的,广东佛山瓷器制作,湖北汉口瓷器制作,河南朱仙瓷器制作,江西景德镇瓷器制作,美称为中国四大名镇,古老的江西景德镇因为有高领土的发现,从而匠人聚集,从些瓷器一跃而出。这是有史为证的例如《浮梁县志》中记录开始于汉朝,陶瓷已经在江西景德镇落地发芽。《景德镇陶录》,在近现代景德镇以瓷器闻名世界其中于当地的人与自然,人与生活是分不开的所以就有了艺术来源于生活却高于生活,在古代器物装饰室内是必不可少的但其中瓷器占主要地位。在当下瓷器的装饰不仅仅是好看而是代表着品位,内涵,意境,所以瓷器文化影响着世世代代的中华儿女,以瓷为元素建造一个独特的当代民宿更可以展示景德镇瓷器文化内涵与人民群众引起共鸣让人们更好的享受生活,感受生活中的辛福,继而增强文化底蕴。然而因为景德镇是一个烧陶瓷大工广,所以会产生很多的废料,往往这些废料不再会有被人们使用,所以久而久累积成山,影响市容,破坏环境等情况因些我在些设计中使用陶瓷废角料让其发挥自己的作用,废物再利用。
jingdezhen, also known as "porcelain capital",ceramics is the foundation of jingdezhen, known as the source of the capital. Jingdezhen, where "craftsmen come from all directions and wares become the world", was born, prospered and became famous for porcelain. During the period of the Republic of China, Foshan in Guangdong,Hankou in Hubei and Zhuxian in Henan were known as the four famous towns in China. Jingdezhen began to fire porcelain in the ancient Han Dynasty."Fuliang County Annals" records that "Xinping pottery began in the Han Dynasty." only the local Chronicles record the relevant situation ofporcelain being fired at Jingdezhen kiln in Jiangxi Province. Jingdezhen Ceramic Records.In modern times, Jingdezhen is famous for porcelain in the world,which is inseparable from local people and nature, people and life. Therefore, art comes from life but is higher than life,which is indispensable in the interior decoration of ancient utensils, but porcelain plays a major role. In the present porcelain decoration is not only good-looking but represent the grade,connotation, the artistic conception,so the porcelain culture influenced generations of Chinese people,with porcelain elements to build a unique contemporary home stay facility can more show the jingdezhen porcelain culture connotation and the masses resonate let people enjoy life better, feel XinFu in life, which in turn enhance the culture. However, because Jingdezhen is a large ceramic fire, so there will be a lot of waste,often these waste will no longer be used by people,so over time accumulated into mountains,affecting the city appearance, damage to the environment and other situations because I use ceramic waste horn material in some of the design to let it play its role, waste recycling.
Key words Architectural form: traditional home in the form of quadrangle, interior style: new Chinese style