岭南水彩画艺术风格的缘起与发展历程 摘要:水彩这一艺术种类传入我国并得到发展不过区区百年,我国在改革开放过后,水彩艺术得到空前的发展,尽管广东目前大部分的高校美术课程都设有水彩,但是普遍水彩画种的受重视程度不及传统的国画和油画。但这并不影响水彩艺术在广东的恣意传播,从挥洒自如、酣畅淋漓、润泽、飘渺的水色韵味,到厚实质朴、豪情奔放的重彩浓墨,从轻松动人的小品趣味到强烈纯粹的重大题材,广东水彩画艺术经历了那些曲折发,本文主要围绕已故的广东水彩画大家——王肇民先生进行研究,从王肇民先生的生平和艺术主张进行剖析,讲述广东岭南水彩画艺术风格发展历程的一部分,希望可以概括性表达广东水彩画艺术风格变迁。 关键词:水彩画艺术;广东水彩;王肇民;发展历程 The Origin and Development of Lingnan Watercolor Art Style Abstract:The art type of watercolor was introduced to ourcountry and has been developed for only a hundred years. After my country's reform and opening up, watercolor art has achieved unprecedented development.Although most colleges and universities in Guangdong currently have watercolors,the general importance of watercolor paintings is Not as good as traditional Chinese painting and oil painting. But this does not affect the arbitrary dissemination of watercolor art in Guangdong,from the free, hearty, moist, and ethereal aquatic charm to the thick and simple,bold and unrestrained heavy color ink, from the lighthearted taste to the strong and pure major themes. , What tortuous development of Guangdong watercolor painting art has gone through?This thesis describes a part of the development process of Guangdong Lingnan watercolor art style, hoping to express the changes in Guangdong watercolor art style in general. This article mainly focuses on the late Guangdong watercolor painter-Mr.Wang Zhaomin to conduct research, from the life and artistic propositions of Mr.Wang Zhaomin Profiling. Key words:Watercolor art ;Guangdong watercolor ;Wang Zhaomin ;Development path |