浅谈商文化在影像中的展现 摘 要 摄影发明以来,人类的世界又添上了一个有趣的课题。在摄影影像中发展越来越广泛,出现了以摄影为基础的影像记录的方式,为摄影在记录与传播提供了多种选择。摄影强大的生命力也来源与记录,这是摄影从诞生就具有的功能。摄影的诞生就是为了记录,这是其他所具有记录功能艺术所不能比拟的。在发展的过程中摄影慢慢的被人们赋予其他的功能,传播与传承这两个功能在当下尤为出众,甚至已经慢慢的超过文字所具有的功能。摄影通过光的物理反射、化学的显现功能记录着世界;作为一种表现艺术的手段,运用特殊的技术如光感,影调等观察这与我们的眼睛不同的世界;作为一种继承与传承的新手段,摄影能带给我们视觉与心灵上更大的冲击与震撼。随着时代、现代工业、现代信息技术的发展摄影已经被应用于多样化的行业中,慢慢的摄影已经走入到一个新的时代,进入了一个视觉工业发达的一个时代。 关键词 记录,传播,传承 Introduction to shang culture in the video show Abstract Since the invention of photography, the human world has added an interesting subject. In thedevelopment of photographic images more and more widely, there is a photographic-based imagerecording method, which provides many choices for the recording and dissemination of photography. Photography is also a powerful source of life and record, which is the function of photography from its birth. Photography is the birth of the record, this is the other recording function of art can not compare. In the process of development, photography is slowly given other functions, the dissemination and inheritance of these two functions are particularly outstanding in the present, even gradually more than the functions of the text. As a medium of communication, photography records the world through light and chemistry. As an artistic means, photography reveals, in its unique way of observation, a world beyond our naked eyes; As a means of inheritance, photography can give people a more intuitive feeling. With the breakthrough of visual communication system in visual and modeling field, photography has been used in the diverse media industry, and has moved towards the diversification of visual industry. Key words Record, disseminate, pass. ![]() |