摘 要
Abstract: With the continuous development of the global economy,maritime transport has played an indispensable role, and ports are an important meeting point for maritime and land transport. The port has not only gradually become a way to load cargo and allow ships to berth, but it also promotes the development of the regional economy and drives the development of the area in this environment in a networked and integrated development, driving the development of the port industry to be dispersive. The interrelationship between the port economy and the urban economy has slowly and continuously extended to the interrelationship between the port group and the regional economy. The speed of economic growth and the degree of development are different,the difference between the port’s infrastructure and resource conditions,the difference in the environment, and the different policies and strategies implemented by the local government. These various factors will lead to the port group in a region.In China, there will be differences in infrastructure constructionbetween ports and other ports, uneven economic development levels,different service quality, and large gaps in port cargo throughput. Under a certain range of regional premises,the port group plays an extremely important role in promoting regional economic development. Therefore, it is very important to plan the relationship between the port group and the region.This article mainly studies the port situation and port construction issues in the Pearl River Delta port group, taking the coordinated development of the regional economy as the major premise, and at the same time discusses the relationship between the port group and the region,the problems of the Pearl River Delta ports, and the importance of the Pearl River Delta ports. Under the premise of the coordinated development of regional economy,the group put forward new suggestions on how to better build ports inthe future, promote better development of port groups, and promote overall economic development.
This article first makes a simple analysis of the definition of ports and port groups, and provides certain basic theoretical knowledge for the following discussion. Then it analyzes and discusses the relationship between the port group and the regional economy, then finds out the problems of the port group in the Pearl River Delta,and compares the port group in the Yangtze River Delta with the ports in the PearlRiver Delta, and finds out the deficiencies of the port group in the Pearl River Delta. In the end, new suggestions were put forward for the future construction of ports inthe Pearl River Delta port group,the promotion of better development of the port group, and the overall economic development of the Pearl River Delta port group.
Keywords: Pearl River Delta; regional economy; coordinated development; port; port group
目 录 摘 要 I abstract II 1 港口、港口群和珠江三角洲港口的含义 1 1.1 港口的含义 1 1.2 港口群的含义 1 1.3 珠江三角洲港口的含义 1 2 珠三角港口群发展状况分析 2 2.1 四大港口状况分析 2 2.1.1 香港港 2 2.1.2 广州港 2 2.1.3 深圳港 2 2.1.4 珠海港 3 2.2 珠江三角洲吞吐量分析 3 2.3 珠三角港口群与区域经济协调发展分析 4 2.4 珠三角港口群与长三角港口群分析对比 5 2.5 珠江三角洲存在的问题 8 3 对珠江三角洲港口群未来发展的建议 9 3.1 政府方面 9 3.2 港口方面 10 鸣 谢 12 参考文献 13 |