关键词:家庭教育 幼儿 行为习惯
Abstract:After the implementation of family planning,most of the families in our country are the only child family. Fosterers do not necessarily have the correct view of education,it is inevitable that children will be spoiled and arrogant,among which the most direct consequence is that children show many bad behavior habits. In the family, the smallest environment,parents ignore the cultivation of children's good behavior habits, and once children enter the social environment of kindergarten, its exposed bad behavior habits will inevitably cause conflicts between children, parents and teachers or between parents. And this situation everybody complains a lot and has no good solution.Only when we realize that children's bad behavior can have a very important negative impact ontheir future physical, academic and interpersonal relationships,can we understand the importance of correcting children's bad behavior, and can we make the decision to take necessary action. It is normal for children to have bad behaviors in the process of growing up,but simple and brutal beating and scolding not only cannot solve the problem but may worsen the situation. Therefore, family education plays a vital role in the correction of children's problem behavior.