STEAM理念下面向创造力培养的小学App Inventor课程 开发与应用
无论是21世纪核心素养,还是世界各国的教育目标,亦或是中国学生发展核心素养都提到创造力培养的重要性,可见培养具有创造力的创新人才是当今时代对教育的新诉求。当前教育的重要目标之一是发展学生的创造力。课程是教育的核心,是实现教育目标的重要途径,因此,开发课程以及如何开展课程教学以促进学生创造力的发展成为了当代学者研究的重要话题[1]。另一方面,人工智能正在促进人类社会发生转变,为了跟上世界的步伐,中国的编程教育需要变得越来越低龄化和普及化,并努力探索新的教育方式,为学生的未来发展打下基础。STEAM教育作为一种日益流行的创新教育概念,正逐渐应用于中小学编程教育。STEAM理念注重学生在课堂学习过程中的经验,重视学生的合作能力和多学科知识的综合运用。STEAM和App Inventor非常适合训练学生的任务分解,跨学科学习,团队合作等。作为可视化编程的代表,App Inventor以拖放编程块的形式实现开发过程,从而使学生摆脱复杂的编程规则和技能,使学生可以花更多的心思来实现创造力,并为培养创造力做出贡献。
基于此,本研究以STEAM理念为基础,创造力为落脚点,开发面向创造力培养的小学App Inventor课程,通过三轮教学实践验证教学的有效性,助力解决创造力培养的问题。因此研究围绕三大方面展开:(1)分析STEAM、App Inventor与创造力的契合性;(2)探索STEAM理念下面向创造力培养的小学App Inventor课程开发流程、设计原则、目标、内容、评价,依据前期分析开发教学案例;(3)将课程应用于教学实践,验证其教学的有效性。
本研究首先通过文献分析,梳理了国内外关于STEAM教育、创造力的定义,整理和总结了STEAM理念引入小学App Inventor课程的可行性。同时,以创造力作为教学目标,结合 App Inventor 的知识体系形成了对小学生创造力培养的内容框架和知识体系,从课程开发流程、设计原则、前期分析、课程目标、课程内容及教学案例、课程评价等方面探究,开发了一套STEAM理念下面向创造力培养的小学App Inventor课程,并进行了三轮行动研究。最后,从问卷调查,安卓App创作过程和作品分析三个维度对教学效果进行了分析和评价。研究发现,STEAM理念下面向创造力培养的小学App Inventor课程教学是可行的,有助于提升学生的创造力和教学效果。本研究的创新点在于将STEAM理念引入小学App Inventor课程的开发与应用中去更好地发展学生的创造力,在丰富App Inventor教学案例、开辟程序设计教育的新思路,为后续的研究提供参考。
关键词:STEAM理念,创造力,小学App Inventor课程
Whether it is the core literacy of the 21st century,the educational goals of all countries in the world,or the development of the core literacy of Chinese students, the importance of cultivating creativity is mentioned. It can be seen that cultivating creative and innovative talents is a new demand for education in today's era. One of the important goals of current education is to develop students' creativity.Curriculum is the core of education and an important way to achieve educational goals.Therefore, developing curriculum and how to carry out curriculum teaching to promote thedevelopment of students' creativity have become important topics for contemporary scholars. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is promoting the transformation of human society.In order to keep up with the pace of the world,China's programming education needs to become younger and more popular, and strive to explore new educational methods to lay the foundation for students' future development. STEAM education, as an increasingly popular innovative educational concept,is gradually being applied to programming education in primary and secondary schools. The STEAM concept pays attention to students' experience in classroom learning,and pays attention to students' cooperative ability and comprehensive application of multidisciplinary knowledge. STEAM and App Inventor are very suitable for training students intask decomposition, interdisciplinary learning, teamwork and so on. As a representative of visual programming,App Inventor realizes the development process in the form of drag and drop programming blocks, so that students can get rid of complex programming rules and skills, so that students can spend more time to realize creativity and contribute to cultivating creativity.
Based on this, this study takes the STEAM concept as the foundation and creativity as the foothold, develops the primary school App Inventor course forcreativity training, verifies the effectiveness of teaching through three rounds of teaching practice, and helps solve the problem of creativity training. Therefore, the research focuses on three aspects: (1) analyzing the compatibility ofSTEAM, App Inventor and creativity; (2) Explore the development process,design principles, objectives,contents and evaluation of primary school App Inventor curriculum under the STEAM concept, and develop teaching cases according to the previous analysis; (3) Applying the course to teaching practice to verify its teaching effectiveness.
Firstly, through literature analysis,this study combs the definitions ofSTEAM education and creativity at home and abroad, and sorts out and summarizes the feasibility of introducing STEAM concept into App Inventor curriculum in primary schools. At the same time, taking creativity as the teaching goal,combining with the knowledge system of App Inventor,the content framework and knowledge system of cultivating primary school students' creativity were formed. From the aspects of curriculum development process, design principles, pre-analysis,curriculum objectives, curriculum content and teaching cases, curriculum evaluation, etc., a set of primary school App Inventor curriculum for cultivating creativity under the STEAM concept was developed, and three action studies were conducted. Finally, the teaching effect is analyzed and evaluated from three dimensions: questionnaire survey, Android App creation process and work analysis. The research found that the teaching of primary school App Inventor based on the conceptof STEAM is feasible, which is helpful to improve students' creativity and teaching effect. The innovation of this study lies in introducing the STEAM concept into the development and application of App Inventor course in primary schools to better developstudents' creativity, enrich the teaching cases of App Inventor,open up new ideas of programming education, and provide reference for subsequent research.
Key words: STEAM concept, creativity, App Inventor course in primary school
STEAM理念下面向创造力培养的小学App Inventor课程 开发与应用