高中物理探究性实验教学设计 摘要 探究性物理实验,在激发学生学习物理的兴趣、教会学生研究问题的一般方法,培养学生研究问题的能力、培养学生思维习惯等方面具有重要的作用。普通高中物理课程标准也给出探究的七个要素。而实际教学过程中教师虽然按照探究要素进行教学,但是学生依然提不出问题,设计不出合理实验方案。即实践中物理探究性实验教学难以达到预想的效果。究其原因是探究性实验教学设计不够精细、不到位。为了帮助一线教师设计出高质量的教学设计去指导高中物理探究性实验教学,故选取高中物理探究性实验教学设计策略研究为研究主题。 根据初步提出的高中物理探究性实验教学设计基本策略和教学实例实施效果,提炼出高中物理探究性实验教学设计策略:情境–问题策略、问题–猜测策略、思维–设计策略、实验-操作策略、分析–论证策略、交流–提升策略,并对策略予以相应的解释,提出运用策略的建议;期待高中物理探究性实验教学设计策略对一线高中物理教师提供有益的参考和借鉴,促进高中物理探究性实验教学质量的提升。 关键词:高中物理;物理探究性实验;教学设计 Research on High School Physics Exploratory Experiment Teaching Design Abstract Inquiry physics experiment plays an important role in stimulating students' interest in learning physics, teaching students the general method of studying problems,cultivating students' ability of studying problems and cultivating students' habit of thinking.The ordinary high school physics curriculum standard also gives seven elements of inquiry.However, in the actual teaching process,although teachers teach according to the inquiry elements, students still cannot ask questions and design reasonable experimental schemes.That is to say, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect of physics exploratory experiment teaching in practice.The reason is that the design of exploratory experiment teaching is not fine enough and not in place.In order to help front-line teachers design high-quality teaching designs to guide exploratory experimental teaching of high school physics,the research on exploratory experimental teaching design strategy of high school physics is selected as the research topic. According to a preliminary exploratory experiment teaching of high school physics design basic strategies and the teaching effect instance,extracting high school physics design strategy: exploring experimental teaching situation, problem, problem - guess, thinking,design strategy, the experiment - operation strategy, analysis, reasoning strategy, communication, promotion strategy,and the strategy to the corresponding explanation, suggest using strategies;It is expected that the high school physics exploratory experiment teaching design strategy can provide useful reference and reference for the front-line high school physics teachers, and promote the improvement of high school physics exploratory experiment teaching quality. Keywords: High school physics; Physical exploratory experiment; The teaching design |