摘要 以教育信息化带动教育现代化是我国教育事业发展的战略选择,加强信息技术与学科整合更是重中之重。那么让信息技术走入高校课程,应用到高等教育之中是非常有必要的。在大学几何教室使用信息技术有哪些利处,又有哪些弊病呢?要想信息技术在大学几何教学中发挥作用,实现有效性学习,了解它是如何融入课堂及其利害是必要的。只有深入了解信息技术在大学几何课堂中的使用情况才能看出其教学有效性。
关键词:信息技术 ; 大学几何 ; 信息整合 ; 教育信息化
The use of information technology in college geometry classroom teaching and its effectiveness analysis
Abstract: It is a strategic choice for the development of China's education to drivethe modernization of education by educational informatization,and the most important thing is to strengthen the integration of information technology and disciplines. So it is very necessary for information technology to enter the university curriculum and apply to higher education. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using information technology in college geometry class? In order to make it play a role in college geometry teaching and realize effective learning,it is necessary to understand how it is integrated into the classroom and its advantages and disadvantages. Only in-depth understanding of the use of information technology in college geometry classroom can we see the effectiveness of its teaching.
This paper is divided into four chapters.The first chapter describes the relevant contents of information technology;Chapter Two discusses the advantages and disadvantages of it entering the University geometry classroom;the third chapter is aboutthe use and effect analysis of multimedia assisted teaching, micro class, MOOCS class and flipped classroom; the fourth chapter is the reflection and summary of it entering the university classroom.
Keywords: Information technology ; College geometry ;Information integration ; Education Informatization