浅谈中学“学困生”的主要成因及转化策略 中文摘要:中学的每个班级里都可能有学困生的存在,主观和客观的因素导致了他们的学习成绩、行为习惯、个人素养等落后于班级中正常水平的同学,但是学困生的学习之困并非不可逆转的。中学阶段的学生有着较大的提升空间,他们成功转化的可能性很大,同时帮助学困生转化也是教师的应该履行的一个义务,本论文试图从学困生的产生原因、学困生转化的意义以及帮助学困生转化的策略进行分析议论。 关键词:学困生 转化 意义 策略 Abstract:there many exist students having learning difficulties in every middle school class. Subjective and objective factors lead them to fall behind the classmates who are on a normal level on aspects as academic performance, behavioral habits and personal qualities. However, the learning difficulties of such students are not irreversible.The middle school students have a large development space, chances for them to be successfully transformed is high. At the same time, to help the transformation of such students is also an important work for teachers. This paper tries to study the causes of the transformation of students with learning difficulties, the significance of the transformation of students with learning difficulties and the strategies to help the transformation of students with learning difficulties. Key Words:exist students change significance strategy |