小学惩戒教育的问题及对策研究 摘要:惩戒教育作为必不可少的一种教育手段,对学生的良好行为习惯的养成以及品德思想的塑造都具有十分重要的作用。尤其是小学生,正处在生长发育的重要阶段,这一阶段的良好教育对其未来发展尤为重要,然而,尽管目前的小学生家长以及教师对于惩戒教育的内容都有所了解,但是对具体如何进行惩戒教育,以及如何把握惩戒教育的力度,具体什么时候进行惩戒教育,尚没有具体概念。因此,本文采用文献查阅法对惩戒教育的相关概念进行了解,通过对惩戒教育的相关内容及法律进行分析,从具体的惩戒教育的作用入手,了解到如何具体进行对惩戒教育力度的把控,以及运用怎么样的适当的方式和手段顺利进行惩戒教育,让惩戒教育发挥出本来的作用。 关键词:小学;惩戒教育;策略 A PROBE INTO THE METHODS AND STRATEGIES OF PUNISHMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Abstract: Disciplinary education is an indispensable means of education,which has a very important role in the formation of students ’good behavior habits and the shaping of moral thought. However, despite the current content of disciplinary education by parents and teachers of students There is some understanding, but there is no concept of how to carry out disciplinary education, how to grasp the strength of disciplinary education, and when to do disciplinary education. Therefore, this article uses the literature review method to understand the relevant concepts of disciplinary education. Analyze the relevant content of disciplinary education,start with the role of specific disciplinary education,learn how to specifically control the intensity of disciplinary education, and how to use appropriate methods and means to carry out disciplinary education smoothly, so that disciplinary education can be brought into full play The original role. It is believed that through systematic research on disciplinary education,primary disciplinary workers can be provided with effective disciplinary education countermeasures. Keywords: primary school; disciplinary education; strategy 目 录 绪论 4 一、惩戒与惩罚教育概念界定及文献综述 5 (一)惩戒与惩罚教育的含义 5 (二)国内外惩戒教育的研究对比 6 二、小学惩戒教育的现状分析 7 (一)小学惩戒教育的现状 7 (二)小学惩戒教育的必要性分析 8 1.小学生健康成长的需要 8 2.教师进行教学活动的需要 8 3.维护学校秩序的需要 8 三、小学惩戒教育的策略分析 9 (一)制定并完善切实可行的惩戒教育法规 9 (二)转变传统的教育惩戒观,加强对惩戒教育的正确舆论导向 9 (三)营造健康的惩戒教育环境 10 (四)建立完善的惩戒教育监督机制 10 结论 10 参考文献 11 致谢 12 |