相声语言中的夸张手法研究 摘 要 相声是中国传统语言幽默的集中体现,语言对于相声来说是“生命”的象征,相声有四门功课“说、学、逗、唱”都是由语言来支撑。相声作为一种语言艺术,要分析研究相声就要从“包袱”入手。本文以搜集到的相声片段为研究对象,采用资料搜集法、比较研究法、作品分析法分析相声中的夸张手法,本文共分为三部分。第一部分研究的是相声与修辞的关系:语句中的修辞手法是组织“包袱”的重要手段之一,依据特定情境运用特定手段,来加强语言表达效果,使语言更具有张力与表现力。第二部分通过对马三立、侯宝林、郭德纲、岳云鹏四位相声演员的相声语言进行研究,有助于理解相声在各种“包袱”中使用的夸张手法,反映出来更多更丰富的内容。强化观众对事理的理解,提高对相声的欣赏与理解水平。促进对相声语言艺术研究的发展与完善,丰富相关资料。第三部分了解到在相声语言中的夸张辞格,夸张辞格在相声中是一种非常常用的手段之一,可赞可贬,当超出观众认知,会产生一种荒诞效果,令人开怀大笑。 关键词:夸张、相声、修辞格 Abstract Crosstalk is the concentrated embodiment of Chinese traditional language humor.Language is the symbol of "life" for crosstalk.There are four lessons in crosstalk, which are all supported by language.Crosstalk as a language art, to analyze and study crosstalk, we should start from the "burden".In this paper, the collected crosstalk segments as the research object,using data collection method, comparative research method,work analysis method to analyze the exaggeration in crosstalk, this paper is divided into three parts. The first part studies the relationship between crosstalk and Rhetoric: rhetorical devices in sentences are one of the important means to organize "burden". According to the specific situation,specific means are used to strengthen the effect of language expression and make the language have more tension and expressiveness. In the second part, through the study of the crosstalk language of Ma Sanli,Hou Baolin, Guo Degang and Yue Yunpeng,it is helpful to understand the exaggeration used in various "burdens" of crosstalk and reflect more and more abundant content. Strengthen the audience's understanding of reason,improve the level of appreciation and understanding of crosstalk. To promote the development and improvement of cross talk language art research, enrich the relevant information. The third part is about the exaggeration in crosstalk language.Exaggeration is one of the most commonly used means in crosstalk, which can be praised or belittled. When it goes beyond the audience's cognition,it will produce an absurd effect and make people laugh.
Key words: Exaggeration; Cross talk; Figure of speech 目 录 第1章 绪论 h 1 1.1选题背景和意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 1 1.3研究方法 1 第2章 相声语言中的修辞概述 3 2.1相声的起源 3 2.2相声语言与修辞的关系 3 第3章 夸张在相声中的运用 6 3.1马三立相声语言中的夸张 6 3.2侯宝林相声语言中的夸张 7 3.3郭德纲相声语言中的夸张 9 3.4岳云鹏相声语言中的夸张 12 第4章 相声语言中使用夸张手法的原因和影响 14 4.1相声语言中使用夸张手法的原因 14 4.2相声语言中使用夸张手法的影响 15 第5章 结论 16 参考文献 17 致谢 18 |