苏轼思想的转变与贯通 中文摘要:苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,北宋时期著名的文学家、书画家、美食家,“唐宋八大家”之一,其主要作品有《东坡七集》、《东坡易传》、《东坡乐府》、《潇湘竹石图卷》、《枯木怪石图卷》等。苏轼不仅在文学方面成绩斐然,其政治生涯也十分传奇,“三起三落”是后人对其政治生涯的精准概括。而就是这样起落的政治生涯、漂泊不定的人生,使其思想从“一个绝对的儒学继承者”转变为“儒学为主,佛老为辅”。本文将从苏轼的人生经历和文学作品中来探讨其思想发生了怎样的转变与其思想的贯通。 关键词:苏轼思想 转变 贯通 Abstract:SuShi is famous writer,styled zizhan, was also known by his literary name dongpo,calligrapher and painter, gourmet in the Northern Song Dynasty, and one of the eight masters in the Tang and Song dynasties. His main works include Dongpoqiji, Dongpoyizhuan, Dongpoyuefu, Xiaoxiang bamboo and stone scroll, dead wood and strange stone scroll, etc.Su Shi not only made great achievements in literature, but also had a legendary political career. His political career and wandering life changed his thought from "an absolute successor of Confucianism" to "Confucianism first, Buddhism and Taoism second". This article will discuss how Sushi's thought changed and how his thought connected from his life experience and literary works. Key Words:SuShi's thought Change Through |