小议李清照词中的“愁” 摘 要:李清照的词作,字里行间自有一套独特的韵味。字字珠玑,片片真心。而她的性格与经历却又充满了争议。作为古典文学史上的一位大家,她词作中的愁绪向来为人称道。本文即从李清照大起大落的人生经历和前后二期的词作上题材及情感的不同变化着手研究讨论,对她词作中的愁绪进行初步解读。作为首屈一指的女词人,她的作品主要写少年的天真活泼,初嫁之时的夫妻温情,离别的绵绵期许,晚景的悲凉凄苦。众多作品无一不情真意切,淋漓尽致的向读者展现李清照的内心世界。我们能从这肆意挥洒的文采中领略到她一生中各阶段的欢快、幸福、相思、凄苦的情感历程。读者同时也能在她笔下体味到两宋交际时的风云变幻,不仅是波诡云谲的朝堂,还有干戈寥落的大地,这也使得李清照的作品带有独特的家国哀思。这份慷慨激昂的豪迈之气给她的词作独增几分魄力。笔者将选取李清照词作中的一部分作品来做具体阐释,期望能将其中的情意剖悉。 关键词:生平经历;创作环境;李清照;词;愁; Discuss the sorrow in Li Qingzhao’s poems Abstract:Li Qingzhao's words are simple and easy to understand.But there is a profound meaning in it.In addition, there is some gracefulness.And her character and experience are equally controversial.As a master in the history of classical literature.The melancholy in her poems has always been praised by others.This article will start with Li Qingzhao's ups and downs in his life experience and his literary creation in different periods of time.It is mainly the difference in subject matter and the change in emotion.Make a preliminary interpretation of the melancholy in her poems.As a leading female poet, her works mainly describe the innocence and liveliness of youth, the warmth of husband and wife when they first got married,the endless expectation of parting, and the sad and miserable scene at night.Many of the works are sincere,incisively and vividly to the reader to show Li Qingzhao's inner world. We can appreciate the cheerful, happy, lovesick,sad emotional course of each stage of her life from this wanton literary talent.At the same time, readers can also feel the changes of the situation duringthe communication between the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty in her works, not only the complicated court, but also the war and the lonely land,which also makes Li Qingzhao's works with a unique family and state mourning.This impassioned heroism gave a unique boldness to her poems.The author will choose a part of Li Qingzhao's works to do specificinterpretation, hoping to be able to understand the feelings. Key words: Life experirnce;Creative environment;Li Qingzhao;Poems; 目录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅰ 一、李清照生平的基本情况 1 二、“愁”在李清照作品中的具体体现 1 (一)少女时期的朦胧闲愁 1 (二)成婚之后的盼归离愁 4 (三)亡国亡夫的酸辛悲愁 8 三、结语 9 参考文献 10 致 谢 11 |