对华反倾销问题的研究 摘要 各个国家在经济全球化的趋势影响下,都想要凭借自身优势不断扩大出口,进一步带动资本和货物的流动,以此来推动本国的快速增长,而由于各个国家之间货物和价格水平都存在着差异,许多国家为了保护自己的市场,就想要用各种手段限制其他国家的货物流进。因此,反倾销行为本身是作为一个合法的贸易保护手段,但是很多国家都以此来实行贸易堡垒。因此,笔者为了研究发展中国家对华反倾销的动因查阅了大量的国内外相关文献,同时也以WTO网站、中国经济网等的数据综合研究,深入了解在发展中国家对华反倾销这一背景下,我国该如何采取措施摆脱困境,通过前人研究的基础进一步深入分析发展中国家对华反倾销的现状特征,并以各个阶段带来影响的原因提出相应的措施,以此来减少发展中国家反倾销对我国出口带来的危害。 关键词:反倾销 非市场经济地位 贸易顺差 应诉 ABSTRACT Under the influence of various countries in the trend of economic globalization, all want to rely on their own advantages to expand exports, further drive the flow of capital and goods, in order to promote the country's rapid growth, but due to the goods and the price level between different countries there are differences, in order to protect their market in many countries, want to use all means limiting the goods flow into other countries. Therefore, anti-dumping act itself is as a legal trade protection means, but many countries to implement the trade fortress. Therefore, in order to study the motivation of developing countries' anti-dumping against China, the author consulted a large number of domestic and foreign relevant literature, and also made a comprehensive study on the data of WTO website and China Economic Net to deeply understand how China should take measures to get out of the predicament under the background of developing countries' anti-dumping against China. On the basis of previous studies, further in-depth analysis is made of the current situation and characteristics of developing countries' anti-dumping against China, and corresponding measures are put forward to reduce the harm of developing countries' anti-dumping against China's export. Key words: Anti-dumping non-market economy status trade surplus response 目录 一、绪论3 (一)研究背景及意义3 1.研究背景3 2.研究意义4 (二)国内外研究现状4 1.国外研究概况4 2.国内研究概况5 (三)文献述评5 (四)写作思路6 二、相关概念和理论分析7 (一)相关概念7 1.倾销的含义7 2.反倾销的含义7 三、发展中国家对华反倾销的现状分析8 (一)总体现状8 (二)发展中国家对华反倾销的基本特征9 1.双边贸易情况差距大9 2.反倾销涉案行业、涉案产品广9 3.反倾销涉案金额大,征收税率高10 (三)反倾销的经济效应分析10 (四)国际反倾销规则11 四、发展中国家对华反倾销的动因分析12 (一)发展中国家方面的原因12 (二)我国方面的原因13 (三)发达国家和发展中国家对华反倾销的差异14 1.发展中国家对华反倾销指控频率较快14 2.发展中国家对华反侵销执行比率较高16 3.发展中国家对华反倾销涉案金额日益攀升16 4.发展中国家对华反倾销调查力度较大16 五、我国对发展中国家反倾销行为的应对措施17 (一)完善反倾销预警机制17 (二)转变对外贸易方式18 (三)在双边协定中限制反倾销政策18 (四)增强反倾销的法律意识,积极应诉19 六、结论与未来展望19 参考文献20 致谢22 |