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关键词 PDCA循环管理 护理带教 教学质量 满意度

Application of PDCA cycle management to improve the quality of nursing teaching and teaching satisfaction

Abstract Objective to explore the effect of PDCA cycle management onimproving the quality of nursing teaching and teaching satisfaction. Methods: the teaching data of 60 clinical nursing students in different periods were analyzed retrospectively. Among them, 30 nursing students with traditional teaching methods were listed as the controlgroup, and 30 nursing students with PACD cycle management were listed as the observation group. The assessment results (theoretical knowledge,operation skills and emergency ability) and teaching satisfaction of the two groups were compared. Results: the professional ability examination results and teaching satisfaction of the observation group were better than those of the control group (P < 0.05).Conclusion: the application of PDCA cycle management can effectively improve the quality of nursing teaching and teaching satisfaction.

Key words PDCA Cycle Management Nursing teaching Teaching quality Satisfaction

目 录

引言 1

第1章研究对象与方法 1

1.1研究对象 1

1.2研究方法 1

1.2.1教学计划(Plan) 2

1.2.2计划实施(Do) 2

1.2.3教学质量检查(Check) 2

1.2.4问题处理(Action) 2

1.3 观察指标 3

1.4统计分析方法 3

第2章 研究结果 3

2.1两组实习护生带教质量比较 3

2.2两组护生带教满意度比较 4

第3章 讨论 4

3.1护理带教现状 4

3.2 PDCA循环教学法的特点 4

3.3 PDCA循环教学法在护理带教中的应用价值 5

3.3.1有效提升了实习护生对专业知识和操作技能的掌握程度 5

3.3.2有效提升了实习护生的应急处理能力 5

3.3.3有效提升了实习护生对带教过程及带教老师的满意度 5

第4章 结论 6

参考文献 7