中药饮片调剂工具发展概述 摘要:本文通过对中药饮片调剂工具出现与发展的回顾,把调剂工具的整个演变过程进行了一次总结,同时指出由于调剂工具发展的缓慢及限制,而制约了中药饮片调剂的发展与提高,因此必须利用现代化信息与工业机械技术来研制新型设备以提高中药饮片的调剂效率。 Abstract: This paper summarizes the whole evolution of the adjustment tool by reviewing the emergence and development of the traditional Chinese medicine Pieces and the development of the Chinese medicine industry. It also points out that the development and improvement of the traditional Chinese medicine industry are restricted by the slow and limited development of the adjustment tool. Therefore, Information and industrial machinery technology to develop new equipment to improve the efficiency of Chinese medicine Pieces of the swap. 关键词:中药饮片;调剂工具;发展 Key word:Chinese medicine Pieces; Dispensing tools; development |