土星元素在首饰设计中的运用 摘要 随着科技的发展和人们对宇宙的不断探索,自然美的范围已经扩大到地球的外层空间,宇宙的浩瀚与壮丽被越来越多的人熟知。自古以来,这个世界上就有人喜欢眺望星空。想知道天空之上到底是什么?这个世界是怎样构成的?条但是因为件和技术有限。人们只能通过当时的观测来想象宇宙。但是技术的发展使人们展现出新的审美要求,使艺术和天文学更加紧密地结合在一起。天文主题逐渐成为现代艺术各领域的创新方向,为现代珠宝设计提供丰富的创作灵感,并被广泛应用。著名的珠宝品牌,珠宝设计师相继参加珠宝竞赛并为此而着迷,也在其中出现了不少经典天文学作品。本文寻找了了一些经典的天文学珠宝设计案例,对他的构造与与意义进行了系统的分析与研究,最后选择了“土星”作为个人本次首饰设计的模型,并且,初步研究了天文饰品在现代珠宝设计上的应用。虽然天文学在现代首饰设计实践中应用广泛,但很少有系统的理论。 关键词:天文元素;土星元素;首饰设计 Abstract With the development of space technology,modern astronomy has expanded the scopeof natural beauty to the space beyond the earth, allowing more and more people to see the magnificent depths of the boundless universe. The new aesthetic requirements make art and astronomy more closely combined.The astronomical theme has become an innovative direction in various fields of modem art,and has also provided a wealth of creative inspiration for modern jewelry design and been widely used. It is a new style of modem jewelry.Astronomical jewelry with a new attitude has attracted the attention of the public in the famous jewelry brands and jewelry design competitions, among which there are many classic works. However, there is little research on the application of astronomical theme in modem jewelry design. The author introduces some examples of astronomical jewelry,analyzes the shape and meaning of astronomical jewelry,chooses Saturn as the material and integrates it into personal jewelry design practice, and preliminarily discusses the application of astronomical jewelry in modern jewelry design. Key words: astronomical elements; Saturn element; Jewelry design
第一章绪论 4 1.1选题背景 5 1.2选题的意义和目的 5 第二章天文元素首饰概述 5 2.1航天时代的浪漫与情趣 5 2.2 时代进步的精神与梦想 6 第三章天文元素如何在首饰设计中体现 7 3.1北斗七星吊坠与太阳系胸针 7 3.2日全食与满月胸针 9 第四章个人首饰设计演绎 10 4.1首饰创作 11 4.2实物制作过程 14 结论 16 参考文献 24 致谢 25 |