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摘 要
本文主要研究的是矢口史靖电影中,喜剧元素与影像风格的分析探究。主要运用矢口史靖多部编剧并导演的影视作品,《生存家族》、《公路狂飙》、《哪啊哪啊神去村》、《五个扑水少年》等作品,进行深度的喜剧元素与影像风格分析。矢口靖康(Shiyasu Yaguchi)是平成最著名的日本商业电影导演之一,他没有被日本电影的传统所限制,也没有只是模仿好莱坞电影的套路。取而代之的是,他将镜头聚焦于日本现实的一角,并专注于放映电影。日本“去都市化”现实景观,关注普通小人的生存现实,并使用喜剧元素、超现实主义方法以及独特的电影风格,讲述小人物生活的故事,充满荒诞有具备喜感,同时还能引人深思,用一部荒诞喜感又反映社会现实的“治愈系”电影征服了市场和声誉。通过本次的研究结果来看,矢口史靖的喜剧元素以及电影风格都具备着独特的个人风格,他十分关注小人物与自然的电影取材,并且在拍摄手法上喜欢运用日本传统的特摄手法,展现真实而细腻的现实生活。通过对矢口史靖电影中的喜剧元素与影响风格的研究与分析,希望不仅仅是探求矢口史靖运用喜剧元素与影像风格,同时对于日本的电影文化进行总体的了解,对于探索日本电影文化可以起到一定的帮助作用。
关键词:矢口史靖 喜剧元素 影像风格
This paper mainly studies the comedy elements and image style in Shiyasu Yaguchi's films.This paper mainly uses Shiyasu Yaguchi's film and television works, such as "Survival Family","Adrenaline Drive", "Wood Job" and "Waterboys", to analyze the comedy elements and image style. Shiyasu Yaguchi is one of the most famous Japanese commercial film directors in Heisei.He is not limited by the tradition of Japanese films, nor is he just imitating Hollywood films.Instead, he focused on a corner of Japanese reality and focused on showing movies.Japan's "Eliminate urbanization" realistic landscape focuses on the survival reality of ordinary villains, and uses comedy elements,surrealism methods and unique film style to tell stories about the lives of small people. It is full of absurdity and joy.At the same time, it is thought-provoking.It conquers the market and reputation with a "healing system"film which reflects the social reality with absurdity and joy. According to the results of this research,Shiyasu Yaguchi's comic elements and film style have a unique personal style. He is very concerned about the small people and natural film materials,and likes to use the traditional Japanese special shooting techniques to show the real and delicate real life. Through the research and analysis of the comedy elements and influence style in Shiyasu Yaguchi's films, the author hopes not only to explore his use of comedy elements and image style,but also to have a general understanding of Japanese film culture, which can play a certain role in exploring Japanese film culture.
Keywords: Shiyasu Yaguchi comedy elements Image style