摘要:在篮球训练当中,快攻战术是由防守转为进攻的一个转化战略,其能够在最短的时间内,以帮忙运动员以最快的速度攻破对手,从而在人数相等或者是以多打少的情况下,在对方队员没有完成防守果断抓住机会,利用快速攻占来对对方展开快速的进攻,以争得主动权取得胜利。快攻战术的核心要点就是快,快攻战术能在很大程度上会给对手一定的心理压力,从而有效提高比赛胜利的把握度。因此,在当前大学篮球训练当中十分有必要引入快攻战术。全球篮球团队中普遍使用的一种竞技战术就是快攻战术,快攻战术既能全面地展示出篮球运动的强度与对抗性,又能展示出篮球比赛的竞技性和观赏性。 关 键 词:快攻战术;高中生;篮球教学
Abstract:In basketball training,fast attack tactics is a transformation strategy from defense to attack. It can help athletes to break the opponent with the fastest speed in the shortest time,so that when the number of players is equal or more players play less,they can seize the opportunity decisively and use fast attack to attack the opponent quickly in order to gain the initiative Right to win. The key point of fast attack tactics is fast,fast attack tactics can give opponents certain psychological pressure to a large extent, so as to effectively improve the grasp of the victory of the game. Therefore, when it is necessary to introduce fast break tactics into the former college basketball training. One of the competitive tactics commonly used in global basketball teams is fast break tactics.Fast break tactics can not only show the strength and antagonism of basketball,but also show the competitiveness and appreciation of basketball games. Key words:Fast break tactics; high school students; basketball teaching |