高职院校会计专业学生信用卡风险防范与控制 摘要:信用卡在我国近几年的发展势头十分猛烈。学生对现在社会的物质需求越来越高,信用卡成为了他们的消费对象,但是在享受信用卡所带来的便利的同时,也引发了许多问题,学生没有真正步入社会,不仅缺少理财意识和风险防范意识,还没有经济来源,这些都加大了学生信用卡的使用风险。很多私人银行因此为了利益,实行诈骗,设置陷阱让学生们入坑,很多工作人员未对学生办卡者进行详细的讲解和指导,未能掌握大学生信用卡相关知识,使得大学生信用卡的办理存在很大的风险。通过研究分析、了解现状后,针对学生使用信用卡存在风险的原因进行研究,并且提出合理的解决方案,降低学生使用大学生信用卡的风险。 关键词:学生信用卡;学生消费;风险防范与控制 [Abstract] In recent years, the development trend of Students' credit card in China is very fierce. Students have higher and higher material demand for the society, and credit card has become their consumption object. However, while enjoying the convenience brought by credit card, it also causes many problems, Students have not really entered the society, not only lack of financial awareness and risk prevention awareness, but also lack of economic resources, which increase the risk of using Students' credit cards. However, many private banks, for the sake of interests, practice fraud and set traps for students to enter the pit. Many staff members fail to give detailed explanation and guidance to students' card operators, and fail to grasp the relevant knowledge of College Students' credit cards, which makes the handling of College Students' credit cards have certain risks.After analyzing and understanding the current situation of College Students' credit card, the author studies the reasons for the risk of Students' using credit card, and puts forward reasonable solutions to reduce the risk of Students' using credit card. [Keywords]student credit card;student consumption;risk prevention and control 目录 前言8 1国内外研究现状9 1.1国内研究现状9 1.2国外研究现状9 2基础理论概述9 2.1信用卡定义9 2.2学生信用卡的功能10 2.2.1支付结算功能10 2.2.2转账结算功能10 2.2.3信用消费功能10 2.2.4循环信贷功能11 3大学生信用卡风险的主要类型11 3.1信用风险11 3.2操作风险11 3.3欺诈风险12 3.4法律风险12 4大学生信用卡风险的成因13 4.1消费无计划引发的信用问题13 4.2学生对信用卡操作流程不熟悉13 4.3办卡员欺瞒大学生信用卡年费13 4.4缺乏风险防范意识,资不抵债14 5大学生信用卡风险控制与管理14 5.1加强思想道德和法制建设 , 提高诚信意识14 5.2加强对学生信用卡的使用说明与引导15 5.3完善相关法律体系, 加强监管力度15 5.4建立良好的信用卡风险防范机制15 结论16 参考文献:17 致谢18 |