租赁会计准则国际趋同对航空企业的影响 -以东方航空企业为例 摘 要:经历了数年修订与意见收集,2019年1月新颁布的国际租赁会计准则正式实施,而我国为了完善自身会计规章制度与国际标准的进一步接轨,财政部也于2018年12月发布新租赁准则。这项准则改革给我国租赁业务相关行业企业带来不小影响。本文先对租赁准则的具体变化做相应阐述,其次以中国东方航空公司为例,介绍该公司业务规模,与现在的租赁会计准则相比,其会计处理,资产负债表,现金流量表,利润表等各种指标的会计信息上的区别并且分析其带来的相应影响;最后,总结归纳出对于租赁准则变更航天企业该如何更好应对提出一些具体的建议对策。 关键词:租赁会计准则;经营租赁;融资租赁;航空企业 The impact of international convergence of accounting standards on aviation enterprises ——A case study of China Eastern Airlines Abstract: After several years of revision and opinions collection,the new international accounting standards for leasing was formally implemented in January 2019. In addition, in order to bring China's own accounting system in line with internationalstandards, the Ministry of Finance also released new leasing standards in December 2018.This criterion reform to China's leasing businessrelated industry enterprises bring a lot of impact. This article first specific changes accordingly on the principles of the lease,the second in China Eastern airlines, for example, introduced the company scale,compared to the current accounting standards for leasing,its accounting treatment, balance sheet,cash flow calculation profit and loss and other indicators of accounting information, distinguish its corresponding impact analysis; Finally, In order to deal with the change of leasing criterion, some concrete suggestions and countermeasures are put forward. Keywords: Accounting standards for Leases;Operating lease;Finance lease;Aviation enterprise 正文目录 一、绪论 4 (一)研究背景 4 (二)研究意义 4 (三)研究内容 4 (四)研究方法 5 二、概念界定与文献综述 5 (一)概念界定 5 (二)文献综述 6 三、东方航空公司简介 7 四、新租赁准则对东方航空的影响分析 7 (一)对资产负债表的影响 8 (二)对利润表的影响 9 (三)对现金流量表的影响 10 (四)对其他会计信息的影响 11 五、企业应采取的对策 11 (一)优化企业租赁业务安排与资产获得方式 11 (二)优化企业融资渠道完善融资结构 12 (三)发展新型租赁业务 12 参考文献 12 |