浅谈成都银行个人消费信贷风险及防范 摘要 从过去的“先存款,后消费”到如今的“花明日钱,圆今日梦”,人们的消费理念和生活方式逐步发生变化,个人消费信贷需求也相应增加。成都银行是四川省首家城市商业银行,自2018年开始,该行个人消费信贷不良率一直处于20%左右,远高行业平均水平。而且该行个人购房贷款在利率过高,个人贷款结构过于单一,因此本文以成都银行个人消费信贷风险为研究对象,根据成都银行实际情况,给出一些建议。 关键词:成都银行;个人消费信贷风险;Logistic二维回归模型 Summary From the past "deposit first, then consume" to the present "spend tomorrow's money,realize today's dream", people's consumption concept and lifestyle have graduallychanged, and the demand for personal consumer credit has also increased accordingly. The Bank of Chengdu, the first urban commercial bank in Sichuan province, has had a non-performing personal consumer credit rate ofaround 20 percent since 2018, far higher than the industry average. And the bank's personal loans to buy homes in personal consumption loans accounted for too high, personal loans structure is too single,so this paper takes chengdu bank personalconsumption credit risk as the research object, to measure two-dimensional choose Logistic regression model analysis, the article studies the relation between each independent variable on the dependent variable, according to the actual situation of chengdu bank offers some suggestions.
Keywords: Bank of Chengdu;Personal consumer credit risk; Logistic two-dimensional regression model 目录 摘要 4 Summary 5 一、引言 6 (一)研究背景 6 (二)研究意义 7 (三)研究内容 8 二、文献综述 9 (一)国外研究现状 9 1.对于影响因素的探究 9 2.对于有关风险评估模型的探究 10 (二)国内研究现状 10 1.个人消费信贷风险产生原因与识别 10 2.个人消费信贷风险评估实证分析方法 11 3.个人消费信贷风险防范对策 13 (三)文献述评 13 三、成都银行个人消费信贷及其风险评价现状分析 13 (一)成都银行个人消费信贷业务发展现状 14 (二)成都银行个人消费信贷业务风险现状 16 (三)成都银行个人消费信贷风险原因分析 17 1.银行外部风险原因分析 17 2.银行内部原因风险分析 19 四、 成都银行个人消费信贷风险防范建议 24 (一)健全银行个人消费信贷法律环境 24 (二)加强成都银行内部管理 25 (三)优化成都银行个人消费信贷经营策略 25 致谢 26 参考文献 27 |