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摘要: 随着节能减排要求日益加严,节能降耗成为增强企业竞争力的重要途径。本文基于硅钢区域能源消耗特点,以提高能源管理精细化程度、降低能源成本为目标,建立多层网络结构的能源监控及C类能源计划值管理系统,实现了能耗信息统计分析的即时化、精细化和能耗数据传递的通畅性、一致性,为能源管理部门和用户机组提供细化、充实的能源基础数据,进而全面掌握机组能效,有的放矢地开展能源计划及节能降耗工作,最终实现提高整体能源利用效率的目的。
Abstract: Due to the increasing demand of energy saving and emission reduction, Energy saving and consumption reducing are becoming the important way to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Based on the energy consumption characteristics of silicon steel production, in order to improve the energy delicacy management and reduce the cost of energy consumption, the multilayer network structure of energy monitoring and C energy planning value management system is established. This system has achieved the real-time, accurate data analysis and the unobstructed, consistent data transfer of the energy consumption information .This system will provide the detailed energy foundation data to the energy management departments and user units. With the system, the energy management departments and units will fully grasp the energy efficiency and carry out the energy planning and energy saving work designedly, to achieve the ultimate goal of improving the overall energy efficiency.
Keywords: Energy consumption momently monitoring; C class energy planning value; Delicacy Management