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摘 要



Severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) is a serious clinical disease with impaired organ function.The causes include the disorder of blood circulation in pancreatic tissue,which leads to the release of cytokines and the activation of various digestive enzymes. As a result, pancreatic tissue digests itself and releases a variety of toxins,gradually forming a disorder that affects the internal environment,often accompanied by complications such as heart, lung and kidney, and the mortality rate is high. At present, there are more and more patients with severe acute pancreatitis in clinic.In order to protect patients' health and improve treatment efficiency, nursing has become an indispensable and important link. In this paper, the clinical nursing progress of patients with severe acute pancreatitis in recentyears was summarized, in order to further improve the clinical nursing quality of patients with severe acute pancreatitis and provide medical guarantee for patients' health and life safety.

Key words SAP;clinical nursing;research