高血压病人护理心得 摘 要 高血压是最常见的心血管疾病,患病率高,还易导致心、脑、肾等脏器的损伤,是全球范围内的重大公共卫生问题。高血压除了依靠于药物治疗,更多的依靠于心理、饮食、运动护理。本文通过采用对比实验、文献资料、总结归纳等方法对南昌市某三甲医院进行资料收集,然后对所收集的数据进行分析得出相应的结果。结果显示,只依靠于药物治疗使血压保持稳定的占86.67%,依靠药物治疗和心理护理使血压保持稳定的占96.67%,依靠药物治疗和饮食护理使血压保持稳定的占93.33%,依靠药物治疗和运动护理使血压保持稳定的占96.67%,分析其结果原因,从而减少其并发症的发生,提高高血压患者的生活质量。 【关键词】高血压;心理护理;饮食护理;运动护理 Abstract Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease, with a high prevalence rate.It is also easy to cause damage to heart, brain, kidney and other organs.It is a major public health problem worldwide.Hypertension depends not only on drug treatment,but also on psychological, diet and exercise nursing. In this paper, comparative experiments, literature,summary and other methods were used to collect datafrom a tertiary hospital in Nanchang City, and then the collected data were analyzed to get the corresponding results. The results showed that 86.67% of the patients kept their blood pressure stable only by drug treatment, 96.67% by drug treatment and psychological nursing, 93.33% by drug treatment and diet nursing, 96.67% by drug treatment and exercise nursing.The causes of the results were analyzed to reduce the occurrence of complications and improve the quality of life Quality of life of patients with hypertension. Key words:Hypertension;Mental Nursing ;Diet Care ;Sports Nursing; 目 录 一、前言 1 1.1 高血压的定义 1 1.2 血压测量的方法 1 1.3 高血压的危害 2 1.4 高血压的临床表现 6 1.5 研究现状 7 1.6研究目的 6 二、临床案例 3 2.1 临床案例 3 三、高血压病人对照试验 6 3.1 心理护理 6 3.2 饮食护理 7 3.3 运动护理 7 四、研究结果分析 8 4.1 结果 8 4.2 分析 8 4.3总结 16 五、体会与展望 16 5.1 护理体会 16 5.2 展望 16 参考文献 20 致 谢 21 |