从苏轼诗词中的“竹”意象管窥其孤独意识 摘 要:从古至今,文人墨客将个人志向、经历投射于竹中,使得竹染上了个性化人格化的色彩。北宋文豪苏轼更是凭借着独特的人生经历,将孤独意识流淌于自己的诗词作品中,并且喜以“竹”作为意象。苏轼的诗词或抒发人生忧患、世事无常,或歌咏旷达自由的人生态度、恣意潇洒的人格魅力,都离不开对孤独意识的展现。文章将对《苏轼集》的“竹”意象进行分类,并找出其“竹”意象体现的孤独意识,进一步探究孤独意识的价值与意义。 关键词:苏轼,“竹”意象,孤独意识 Abstract : From ancient times to the present,scholars have projected their personal aspirations and experiences into bamboo, which makes bamboo colored with personalized personality. Su Shi, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, based on his unique life experience,expressed his loneliness consciousness in his poems, and liked to use "bamboo" as the image. Su Shi's poems can not be separated from the display of loneliness consciousness, either to express his life's worries and impermanence,or to sing his broad-minded and free attitude towards life and unrestrained personality charm. This paper will classify the image of "bamboo" in Su Shi Ji,find out the loneliness consciousness embodied in the imageof "bamboo", and further explore the value and significance of loneliness consciousness. Key words: Su Shi, "bamboo" image, loneliness consciousness 目 录 一苏轼《苏轼集》的主要意象分类 ………………………………………………………( 1 ) (一)“修竹”“林”——依竹的外形分类 ………………………………………………………( 1 ) (二)“竹杖”“竹簟”——依竹的生活功能分类 …………………………………………………………( 1 ) (三)“竹轩”“竹篱”“竹坞”——依竹的建筑功能分类 …………………………………………………………( 2 ) 二、苏轼的《苏轼集》的“竹”意象体现的孤独意识 …………………………………………………………( 2 ) 竹之隐逸——孤逸的出世情怀 …………………………………………………………( 2 ) 竹之君子——孤洁的品徳 …………………………………………………………( 3 ) (三)竹之禅趣——儒释道合一的孤高境界 …………………………………………………………( 3 ) 三 苏轼诗词的孤独意识的价值与意义 (一)与独特的生命体悟相结合,形成了苍茫超逸的意境 …………………………………………………………( 4 ) (二)超越了人生的困顿,继承和发展了佛释道 …………………………………………………………( 5 ) 四 结语 …………………………………………………………( 6 ) 参献文献 …………………………………………………………( 6 ) 致谢 …………………………………………………………( 7 ) |