摘 要 ABSTRACT Starting from the main characters created by the writer and the social environment at that time, this paper tries to grasp the deep meaning behind the change of the relationship between the characters and pursue its root. On the one hand, the traditional consciousness rooted in the Chinese farmers for a long time affects people's value choice; on the other hand, it is the impact of the new mainstream ideology on individuals under the great social change. In the analysis of the main characters, the writer's creative intention and contemporary cultural context are considered, and the construction of the writer's cultural imagination is found, so as to explore the diversified characters in the text. At the same time, the writer's creative principles also provide reference for the current literary creation and cultural development. Keywords:Sun Li; Tiemu Prequel ; Character relationship; Youth subject people's value choice; on the other hand, it is the impact of the new mainstream ideology on individuals under the great social change. In the analysis of the main characters, the writer's creative intention and contemporary cultural context are considered, and the construction of the writer's cultural imagination is found, so as to explore the diversified characters in the text. At the same time, the writer's creative principles also provide reference for the current literary creation and cultural development. Keywords:Sun Li; Tiemu Prequel ; Character relationship; Youth subject 前 言 (一)研究意义和价值 1956年初夏孙犁的中篇小说《铁木前传》问世,它与“十七年文学”中脸谱化、概念化的写作模式大相径庭,可以这样说,《铁木前传》在这一时期的中篇小说中一枝独秀。具体到文学意义上,这部作品一直被认为是中篇小说的经典范例,而对于作家而言,这部作品也有非凡的意义,《铁木前传》完成之后,孙犁有20年的写作空白期。由此可见,《铁木前传》在孙犁创作生涯中所处的独特地位以及被赋予的特殊意义。 |