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1993年余华的小说《活着》横空出世, 小说以中国历史的进程为缩影的叙述方式描述了主人公富贵悲惨的一生。 经过他的手富贵的形象被他淋漓尽致 展示在人们眼前, 富贵本是衣食无忧吃喝嫖赌的地主之子,最终沦为孤独终生的孤家寡人。 家道中落后,在生活的窘迫中摇身成为了勤勤恳恳佃农。 富贵的身份地位在变,但他永远是妻子追随一生的善良的丈夫形象。 生活的棱角最终把他历练成了严慈相济的父亲,在漫长的一生中,家人的悉数离去, 最后只有一头老牛陪在身旁,但他始终选择乐观的活着。  

关键词:放荡不羁; 勤勤恳恳; 善良; 坚毅不屈

Analysis on the Artistic Image of  Wealth in Yu Hua's novel To Live


In 1993, Yu Hua's novel "To Live" was born,  which described the rich and miserable  life of the hero in the miniature  narration of the progress of Chinese history. Through his image of hand and wealth  is displayed incisedly by him,  wealth and wealth by the free food and clothing,  food and drink,  whoring wanton landlord's son because  of his an unrestrained gambling caused the family to fall,  in the plight of life as a tenant. Though he has gone through numerous difficulties,  it is not difficult for us to see  that he is a stern and benevolent  father who is ashamed of his wife's husband.  In his long life, all his family were gone,  and only one old cow stayed with him,  but he lost hope for life,  and learned from it the true meaning of life .

Keyword:wild oats; work diligently and conscientiously; goodness; determined surrender