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摘 要



An analysis of Wuhan S Foreign Trade Development under the background

of "Belt and Road"


The collision and integration of Economy,culture and politics under the strategy of "Belt and Road" in the world today. China has actively adopted this strategy, following the development of the East and West,followed by the rise of the central region,foreign Trade in Wuhan has developed significantly under the strategy of "Belt and Road" , which aims to promote the orderly and free flow of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets, said Belt and Road, we will promote coordination of economic policies among countries along the belt and road and carry out broader, higher-level and deeper regional cooperation.
Using the method of literature analysis and data analysis,this paper first studies the development of Wuhan's Foreign Trade under the background of "Belt and Road" ,and then sets out from the current situation,problems and countermeasures of Wuhan's Foreign Trade Development, find out the main problems and advantages of Wuhan's foreign trade development under the "Belt and Road" strategy, the main problems: the economic and cultural differences with the world; trade disputes with the countries along the route; the product quality requirements of the countries along the route. Main advantages: location advantage; talent advantage; policy advantage.Finally, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to the problems existing in the development of Wuhan's foreign trade under the "Belt and Road" strategy.

Keywords:"Belt and Road" ; Foreign Trade; Development strategy