中美贸易逆差分析 [摘要] 伴随中美双边贸易的不断扩大,双边经贸争端与摩擦时有发生。如何认真对待中美双边贸易平衡问题,对其给予客观认定与妥善处理,关系到中美经贸关系全局的发展。 [关键词] 贸易逆差 原因分析 对策探讨 Abstract:With the expansion of bilateral trade between China and the United States, bilateral economic and trade disputes and frictions occur from time to time. How to seriously deal with the bilateral trade balance between China and the United States and give it an objective and proper treatment is related to the overall development of Sino-US economic and trade relations. Key words:adverse balance analysis of causes Countermeasure discussion |