网络安全治理研究 摘 要
随着互联网时代的发展,网络已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。网络空间作为家庭,学校,单位,社会等现实生活的延展,在带给我们方便快捷的同时,也给我们埋下了许多安全隐患,全球范围之内侵犯公民隐私,互联网违法犯罪,侵犯公民知识产权等屡见不鲜,网络监视监听,网络暴力,网络传销组织,网络恐怖主义行动等等成为全世界公害。面对复杂化的形式,网络安全与治理不仅需要政府的管制和法律的约束,同时也需要增强全民网络安全意思,防范各种网络诈骗,隐私泄露,人身财产安全等骗局。 关键词:互联网;网络安全问题;网络安全治理。 Abstract With the development of the Internet era,the network has become an indispensable part of people's life. Cyberspace, as the extension of family, school, unit,society and other real life, brings us convenience and rapidity. At the same time, it also brings us many security risks.Global violations of citizens' privacy, Internet crimes,violations of citizens' intellectual property rights are common. Network surveillance, network violence,network terrorism and so on have becomethe world's public security issues Harm,network security and economic security,political security, cultural security, social security and other fields are interrelated, interact and influence each other, which has become one of the most complex, severe and realistic non-traditional security problems facing our country. In the face of complex forms, network security and governance not only need the government's regulation and legal constraints, but also need to enhance the people's awareness of network security. This paper takes the network security governance research as the research object.Describes the existence of various network security problems, and analyzes the causes of the problems. Some solutions are put forward. Key words:Internet; network security issues; network security governance 目 录 摘 要 3 Abstract 4 网络安全治理研究 5 一、 网络安全概述 5 (一) 研究背景 5 (二) 研究意义 6 二、 网络安全事件现况 6 (一) 上网过程中可能遭遇的各类安全问题 6 1.个人信息泄露 7 2.网络诈骗 8 三、 网络安全的解决办法 10 (一) 制约国内网络安全发展的几个重要因素 10 1.缺乏自主的计算机网络和软件核心技术 10 2.安全意识淡薄是网络安全的瓶颈 10 3.安全防范条件的不具备 10 (二) 解决国内网络安全问题的一些方法和建议 12 1.制定网络安全防范体系,加强基础设施建设 12 2.建立有效的国家信息安全管理体系与法律法规 12 3.加强网络安全的主要相关技术的建设 12 4.加强我国信息安全基础设施建设 12 (三) 对用户个人在预防网络侵害的一些建议 13 1.不随意透露个人信息 13 2.不随意点击不明链接 13 3.净化上网环境 13 四、 总结与展望 14 致谢 14 参考文献 14 |