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摘 要



本文将以C#为开发语言,以微信小程序通过Visual Studio配置Web服务完成交互目的,通过Visual Studio 2019编写逻辑代码。

关键词: 微信小程序;C# ;共享单车;Web服务;


Shared bike started abroad was the origin of Amsterdam, currently share the bike has come to the forefront of the world,in every place of the city can be seen everywhere in the Shared cycling, utilization rate is very high,sharing the emergence of a bike, and to reduce the urban traffic pressure,give other people a way of travel,the current domestic emerging Shared bicycle industry, mainly composed of three companies will operate Meituan bike, green tangerine bicycle, the bicycle, green orange is recently popular cycling operating brand, in addition to Meituan and worship is through the use of APP for a bike, Green orange bike mainly through WeChat small program for the use of the bike.

WeChat applet is an emerging industry in recent years, which is very popular.It develops rapidly due to its advantages such as not occupying the memory usage rate of mobilephones, being convenient, fast, not requiring APP, and being compatible with most environments. The main way to use shared bikes is through WeChat applet.

This paper will use C# as the development language,use WeChat applet to configure Web services through Visual Studio to complete the interactive purpose, and write logical code through Visual Studio 2019.

Key words:C#;Visual Studio 2019;WeChat applet;Web Services;