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高职校智慧校园教务管理系统的研究和实施 -----以xx学校为例

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高职校智慧校园教务管理系统的研究和实施 -----以常州旅游商贸高等职业技术学校为例

Abstract: In order to promote the information-based and intelligent construction of education and effectively support the teaching reform and innovation on smart campus, Changzhou Technical Institute of Tourism &commerce begins the construction of educational management system of smart campus on the basis of large amount of requirement analysis and research and closely connecting to the actual situation of school educational administration work. The expected function is realized through three years of all software and hardware construction. Our school vigorously promotes the use of the system and organizes various teaching management work through the educational management system of smart campus. Each teacher and student can handle teaching management work through PC and mobile devices anytime and anywhere and query educational information without the limitation of time and space, so high user adhesion is formed during use. The problems existing in the educational management system of smart campus are also considered to develop and improve the system in the future. For higher vocational schools, the implementation and research of the intelligent campus educational management system is a symbol of the school's soft power, which helps to enhance the school's brand, improve the school's work efficiency, better serve the teachers and students, and promote high Reform and innovation in vocational education.
关键词:常州旅游商贸高职校 智慧校园教务管理系统  研究和实施
Key words: Changzhou Technical Institute of Tourism &Commerce
Educational Management System of Smart Campus   research and implementation