浅谈中小学音乐教育中音乐兴趣与审美能力的培养 摘要 随着时代的发展,我国中小学对学生的素质教育要求也逐渐提高,伴随着新课程的改革,音乐这门学科也成为了学校必不可少的一门课程,音乐不仅可以提升学生的人文素养,而且还可以陶冶情操,音乐兴趣与音乐审美也是学习音乐过程中不可缺少的两个要素。 学习音乐可以唤起学生欣赏、赞美的能力,也可以激发学生的学习能力,还可以让学生感受到音乐的无限魅力。 关键词:中小学 音乐兴趣 音乐审美 Abstract Along with the development of The Times,our country middle and primary schools tostudent's quality education requirement also gradually improve,along with the new curriculum reform, the music will ring the door reading process has become a school can be less of a discipline, music is not right can promote students' humanities accomplishment, but also can instructions sentiment, interest in music and music aesthetic is indispensable in the process of learning music two elements. Learning music can arouse students' ability to appreciate and praise,can also stimulate students' learning ability, but also can let students feel the infinite charm of music Key words; middle and primary school;music interest; music aesthetics |